The art of making motion pictures Cinema The art of making motion pictures
Why do people make movies? $$$$$: Sell tickets, popcorn, DVD’s Artistic creativity What is art? a form of human activity appealing to the imagination. Art can shock, inspire, or entertain.
The art critic As long as there has been art, there have been art critics judging the quality of art. The plot was simplistic and the acting was horrible The workmanship on that urn is pathetic!
Academy Award categories Best Actor / Actress Best director Best screenplay Best musical score Best picture overall Best cinematography What IS cinematography?
Cinema French word derived from the Greek word “kinema” (light) or kineo (moving) A cinemagraph was an early sort of projector The “motion picture” is possible because of a defect in the eye. “Sight” is the result of light rays striking the retina, the effects of the physical impact do not instantaneously leave, but the residue persists for a certain minute amount of time. This is called “persistence of vision.” The average persistence of vision of the normal adult is one-sixteenth of a second. Therefore, any motion repeated sixteen times per second should present an illusion of continuous motion.
cinematography The art and technology of motion-picture photography. Cinema = light Graphy = writing Cinematography = writing with light By making impressions of light on very photosensitive film, filmmakers literally write with light
cinematography Involves whatever goes into the composition of a scene other than acting, writing, and musical score Camera angles and framing, choice of lenses, filters, and film stock Lighting Sound Digital effects Costumes