Reading Writing Birthdays Math Calendar *Picture Day: Sept. 7th *Book Orders Due: Sept. 8th *Late Start: Sept. 20th Reading *Weeks 1-4 - A-Z Overview *Week of Sept. 18th – “Mm” *Week of Sept. 25th – “Aa” *Site Words: I, can, am, we, the Writing *Practicing our first and last names. *Identifying and beginning to write letters and site words Birthdays *No September Birthdays Math *Calendar Skills: ~Days of the week ~Month of the year ~Year ~Patterning ~Counting. *Writing Numbers 1-10 *Shapes Star Of The Week *Payton A. : 9~18 *Lauren : 9~25
Reading Writing Calendar Math *Oct. 2nd – Review “Aa & Mm’ *Oct. 9th – “Ss” *Oct. 16th – “Pp” *Oct. 23rd – Review “Ss & Pp” *Oct. 30th – “Tt” *Site Words: see, like, a, it Writing *Practicing our first and last names. *Identifying and beginning to write letters and site words Calendar *Book Fair: Oct. 2nd-6th *Pumpkin Patch: Oct. 13th *No School: Oct. 19th & 20th *Late Start: Oct. 11th *Halloween Party: Oct. 31st Birthdays *Happy Birthday Lauren! 10~27 Math *Calendar Skills: Identifying the days of the week, month of the year, and what year it is. We are also working on patterning and counting. *Writing Numbers 1-10 *Shapes Star Of The Week *Ashlyn : 10~2 *Caleb : 10~9 *Eden : 10~23 *Trygg : 10~30
Math Reading Writing Star Of The Week *Justin : 11~27 Calendar *Nov. 6th – “Ii’ *Nov. 13th – Review “Tt and Ii” *Nov. 20th – “Nn” *Nov. 27th – “Cc” *Site Words: It, Go, In, To Writing *Practicing our last names. *Identifying and beginning to write letters and site words. *Sounding out and writing CVC words. Example, cat, man, sit Calendar *Veterans Day Program: Nov. 9th *No School: Nov. 3rd, 10th, 23rd, & 24th *Parent Teacher Conference: Nov. 2nd ~ 3:30-9:30 at the High School Gym in Tower City *Late Start: Nov. 15th Birthdays *Happy Birthday Trygg! 11~18 *Happy Birthday Caleb! 11~22 *Happy Birthday Justin! 11~24 Math *Calendar Skills: Identifying the days of the week, month of the year, and what year it is. We are also working on patterning and counting. *Writing Numbers 1-10 *Shapes Star Of The Week *Justin : 11~27
Math Star Of The Week Calendar Reading Writing *Peyton H. : 12~4 *Dec. 5th – Review “Nn & Cc” *Dec. 12th – “Oo” *Dec. 19th – Review “Oo and Ff” *Site Words: at, is, but ,play Writing *Practicing our last names. *Identifying and beginning to write letters and site words. *Sounding out and writing CVC words. Example, cat, man, sit Calendar *Christmas Program: Dec. 9th *No School: Dec. 22nd – Jan. 2nd *Raider Day: Dec. 21st *Late Start: Dec. 14th Birthdays *Happy ½ Birthday Gilman! 12~9 *Happy ½ Birthday Tristen! 12~20 *Happy Birthday Piper! *Happy ½ Birthday Rayna! 12/27 Math *Calendar Skills: Identifying the days of the week, month of the year, and what year it is. We are also working on patterning and counting. *Writing Numbers 11-20 *Shapes Star Of The Week *Peyton H. : 12~4 *Nolan : 12~11
Star Of The Week Calendar Math *Piper : 1~15 *Naomi : 1~22 Reading *January 2nd – “Ff’ *January 9th – “Hh” *January 16th – “Dd” *January 23rd – “Rr” *January 30th – “Ee” *Site Words: that, are, for, you, this, do Writing *Practicing our last names. *Identifying and beginning to write letters and site words. *Sounding out and writing CVC words. Example, cat, man, sit Calendar *School Resumes: Jan. 3rd *No School: Jan. 16th Birthdays *Happy Birthday Anita! 1~3 *Happy ½ Birthday Nolan! 1~10 *Happy Birthday Emmry! 1~19 Math *Calendar Skills: Identifying the days of the week, month of the year, and what year it is. We are also working on patterning and counting. *Writing Numbers 11-20 *Shapes Star Of The Week *Piper : 1~15 *Naomi : 1~22 *Chase : 1~29
*Field Trip to Hagen Dental: *Valentine’s Day Party: Calendar *100th Day of School: Feb. 3rd *Field Trip to Hagen Dental: Feb. 9th *Valentine’s Day Party: Feb. 14th *No School: Feb. 20th *Late Start: Feb. 15th Reading *February 6th – “Bb” *February 13th – “Ll” *February 20th – “Kk” *February 27th – “Uu” *Site Words: and, get, what, up, little, said, here Writing *Practicing our last names. *Identifying and writing site words. *Sounding out and writing CVC words. Example, cat, man, sit *Starting to write simple sentences with correct spacing and punctuation. Birthdays *Happy Birthday Naomi! 2~10 *Happy Birthday Ashlyn! 2~14 *Happy ½ Birthday Payton A. 2~16 Math *Calendar Skills: Identifying the days of the week, month of the year, and what year it is. We are also working on patterning and counting. *Writing Numbers 11-20 *Practice writing and counting to 100. *Shapes Star Of The Week *Gilman : 2~5 *Anita : 2~12 *Emmry : 2~26
*Late Start: March 15th Birthdays *No March Birthdays! Math Reading *March 6th – Review “Kk & Uu” *March 13th – “Gg” *March 20th – “Vv” *March 27th – “Ww” *Site Words: was, she, he, has, not, look Writing *Practicing our last names. *Identifying and writing site words. *Sounding out and writing CVC words. Example, cat, man, sit *Writing simple sentences with correct spacing and punctuation. Calendar *Reading Month: March 6th – March 31st *Conferences: March 2nd at Tower City 3:30-9:30 *No School: March 3rd & March 17th *Late Start: March 15th Birthdays *No March Birthdays! Math *Calendar Skills: Identifying the days of the week, month of the year, and what year it is. We are also working on patterning and counting. *Writing and counting to 100. *Shapes Star Of The Week *Rayna : 3~5
Math Reading Writing Calendar *Book Fair: TBA *No School: April 14th *April 3rd – “Jj” *April 10th – “Yy” *April 17th – “Zz” *April 24th – “Xx” *Site Words: with, my, me, big, where Writing *Identifying and writing site words. *Sounding out and writing CVC words. Example, cat, man, sit *Writing simple sentences with correct spacing and punctuation. *Expressing our selves through writing. Calendar *Book Fair: TBA *No School: April 14th *Late Start: April 12th Birthdays *Happy Birthday Peyton H.! 4~20 Math *Calendar Skills: Identifying the days of the week, month of the year, and what year it is. We are also working on patterning and counting. *Writing and counting to 100. *3D Shapes *Money Upcoming Events *Kindergarten Spring Concert will be May 19th at 2pm at the Elementary School in Buffalo. We will not be in the Spring Concert with the 1st-6th graders.
Birthdays Calendar Reading *Red Hawks Game: May 9th *Late Start: *May 1st – “Qq” *May 8th – 22nd - Review *Site Words: Review *Scholastic Readiness Test Writing *Identifying and writing site words. *Sounding out and writing CVC words. Example, cat, man, sit *Writing simple sentences with correct spacing and punctuation. *Expressing our selves through writing. Calendar *Red Hawks Game: May 9th *Late Start: May 10th *Kindergarten Program: May 19th @ 2pm in Buffalo *Play Day: TBA Birthdays *Happy Birthday Chase! 5~1 Math *Calendar Skills: Identifying the days of the week, month of the year, and what year it is. We are also working on patterning and counting. *Writing and counting to 100. *3D Shapes *Money Upcoming Events *Kindergarten Spring Concert will be May 19th at 2pm at the Elementary School in Buffalo. We will not be in the Spring Concert with the 1st-6th graders.