Kindernews Mrs. Walk – September 6-9 Math Peek-at-the-Week Type here! This week in math we will continue learning numbers. We will learn how to read and write the numbers 11-14. We will also be talking about shapes. The children will need to know the following shapes for their grade card: square, triangle, rectangle, hexagon, and circle. Type here! Type here! We have learned the letters A-J and next week we will learn the letters K-N. We will also learn the words I and like. Each week I will be sending home a book that is a copy of the book we are reading in class. It is called our “sight word reader”. It is a great book for you to practice the new sight words we have learned! This past week your child came home with the book School. The book for this week is called Lunch. Have a great weekend! Author Study This week we will begin a new author study that we will focus on for the month of September. We will read books by Lois Ehlert. Some of the books we will enjoy this week are Color Zoo, Color Farm, and Planting a Rainbow. Special Class Monday – No School Tuesday – Music Wednesday - PE Thursday – Art Friday - Music Type here! Reminders Classroom Wish List September 5 – No School! September 8 – Skate Night @ Sk8 Zone September 14 – Early Release Type here! *Playdoh *Sidewalk Chalk *Prizebox Items Birthdays September 10 – Dayanara September 21 – Isis We have 19 students in our class