Class Needs/Special Requests Remember to read every night! Tweets from Ms. Kendall’s Class September 18-22, 2017 Newsletter Spelling Lists List 1: 1.hike 2. ride 3.ripe 4.nice 5.white 6.dime 7.fine 9.spine 10.shine List 2: 1. boxes 2. mixes 3.buses 4.glasses 5.dresses 6.passes 7.gases 8.dishes 9.benches List 3: 1.needle 2. succeed 3. fifteen 4.thirteen 5.canteen 6.steeple 7.reason 8.eager 9.increase 10.defeat Standards ELA: Describe characters in a story, including their traits, motivations and feelings. Math: Fluently add and subtract within 1,000 using strategies and algorithms based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction. Social Studies: How citizens contribute to their communities (economically, socially, and politically). Science: Infer changes in speed or direction resulting from forces acting on an object. Upcoming Events: 9/19/17: Curriculum/Title 1 Night 6-7 pm 9/27/17: Progress Reports Home 9/27/17: Student Early Release at 11:30 a.m. – Teachers in county training. September Birthdays Cassidy 9/1 Nathan 9/4 James 9/13 A.R is up and running in the classroom! Students had media this week and got two books to read and complete A.R tests with. If your child is new to Long Hill and is unfamiliar with A.R testing, I will be guiding them through the process this week. Students need to read their books three times before testing (with the exception of long chapter books). Resource Schedule Monday: Art Tuesday: Music Wednesday: Computer Thursday: Media/Guidance Friday: P.E. (please wear sneakers) Class Needs/Special Requests Thank you so much for helping our class! I appreciate the donations so much! Note: Please make sure all homework is completed nightly. It is a grade at the end of the week. *Reading is the foundation for success! Remember to read every night!