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Presentation transcript:

The American Revolution 1776 - 1783

Which side was better prepared to fight a war? British Advantages: Military: world’s largest navy, military experience, professional army Allies: Hessians, Indians, Loyalists Economic: $$$$$$, manufacturing capability

British Disadvantages: 3,000 miles away from battle site France was still an enemy British people not united in supporting war effort Troops and supplies have to shipped across the Atlantic – made it difficult to blockade the colonial coastline

Colonial Advantages: Leadership: Washington on battlefield & Ben Franklin as delegate to France Possibility of aid from France “home field” advantage Committed to a cause

Colonial Disadvantages: Poorly trained troops No strong central gov’t Limited manufacturing capability→ shortages War effort not supported by all colonists $$$$$$$

Military tactics American British Guerilla tactics! Fight a “hit & run” war! Retreat!?! Not necessary to win a battle, just wear the British down! Make an alliance with one of England’s enemies! (France) British Divide & Conquer – break colonies in ½ by focusing on the Middle colonies Prevent goods from getting to colonies Get help from Loyalists

George Washington as Commander & Chief of Continental Army First took charge of troops on July 3, 1775 in Cambridge. These troops were not well trained, which Washington took into consideration. Well known for his hit and run tactics. Thought that being a nuisance would eventually wear down the British.

Battle of Trenton December 1776, after defeats in Long Island and Manhattan, and being chased through New Jersey by the British, Washington and his demoralized troops crossed into Pennsylvania. British confidence was high, and it seemed as if victory was imminent Many of his troops enlistment was almost expired as well.

Crossing the Delaware Washington felt his only decision was to attack, which would mean crossing the frigid Delaware River in route to Trenton. In the morning they attacked, surprising the Hessian troops and killing their commander. led to their surrender

Crossing the Delaware

Battle of Saratoga Burgoyne’s troops moved slowly – Burgoyne insisted on carrying champagne with him into battle! Howe did not leave Philadelphia soon enough because he was having an affair with the wife of a junior officer!

Battle of Saratoga: the Turning Point British forced to surrender France convinced that colonists actually have a chance to win! France aid became open & substantial! France officially recognized American independence!

Valley Forge

Valley Forge A town in Pennsylvania northwest of Philadelphia where Washington and his Continental Army stayed for the grueling winter of 1777-1778 The Continental Army was in rough shape during these months

Valley Forge Conditions grew worse and worse, as supplies became fewer and fewer Many lived in tents for months with little protection from the conditions, as it took months to build better shelters. Many of the men were starving and freezing, however they fought through and remained training.

Help from the French Navy! Washington received word that Admiral deGrasse was sailing towards the Chesapeake Washington abandoned his plan to attack the British in New York & moved his army towards the South instead

Battle of Yorktown (1781)

Cornwallis Surrenders at Yorktown October, 1781 “The world is turned upside down.”

British negotiators refused to sit for this picture! Treaty of Paris of 1783 England recognized American independence, gave the US all the territory east of the Mississippi River, granted Americans fishing rights off the Canadian coast British negotiators refused to sit for this picture!

Why did England lose the war? Why did the colonies win? Washington’s forces simply wore the British down! Took advantage of England’s greatest disadvantage – distance! Poor British military leadership! Allowed Washington’s army to retreat so that they could fight another day! Americans had the support of England’s enemies, especially the French!

How revolutionary was the American Revolution? The Treaty of Paris of 1783 ended the American Revolution, but there is still one question to be answered: How revolutionary was the American Revolution?