South Sound Basic Food Education Forum DSHS Updates for Community Services Division (CSD) October 6, 2016 – Tacoma, WA
Elderly Simplified Application Project (ESAP) Households will no longer have their application interview waived starting August 1, 2016. Clients will need to complete an interview at application These households will remain eligible to have their recertification interview waived. Clients will not have to do an eligibility interview, complete ER Form All members of the household must be over 60 or disabled No earned income, unearned income is allowed
Food Assistance Standards Annual changes for food assistance programs standards effective October 1, 2016
Extend dates of SNAP Issuance Second Substitute House Bill 2877 passed during the 2016 legislative session, requiring us to expand the monthly Basic Food issuance dates from the first of the month through the tenth to the first through the twentieth. Effective February 1, 2017, all new Basic Food households will be assigned an issuance date between the first through the twentieth. Existing households will not be affected.
ABAWD Abled Bodied Adults Without Dependents
What do I do if my Basic Food ends because of the ABAWD rules?: The first time your benefits can end because of ABAWD rules is March 31, 2016. Even if your Basic Food benefits end, you can still requalify if you become exempt, or participate in an approved activity. Otherwise, you won’t qualify for Basic Food again until January 1, 2018, when the 36 month period resets. You will then have to participate to get more than 3 months of Basic Food benefits. Clients can call with questions and receive a call back from the specialized ABAWD Team
Regaining Eligibility: There isn't any limit to the number of times a client can regain eligibility. ABAWDs regain eligibility the date participation was met.
Chronically Homeless: This exemption is to be used when a client's homeless status is a barrier to working or participating in a work activity. Homelessness will be addressed with client at each review
Working Family Support Program Started 5/1/2016 Provides an additional $10 in Food Benefits to clients who are already receiving Food Benefits Designed to help clients retain employment and become self-sufficient, while also improving the state’s Workfirst Participation Rate. A new WAC is being created to support the WFS program, WAC: 388-493-0010
To Be Eligible, households must meet ALL of the following conditions: Must have an active SNAP, FAP or TFA case Cannot be receiving TANF, Tribal TANF or SFA Must have a qualifying child under age 19 in the home Must have at least one parent working a minimum of 35 hours/week Must verify work hours; and Household income must remain below 200% FPL Does count against your food benefits as income to the home Client may receive letter that there has been changes in food benefits
Basic Food Utility Allowances Effective October 1, 2016 the Basic Food utility allowances are decreasing slightly. Clients may notice a slight decrease to their food benefits beginning October 1st.
EBT Conversion: As of July 18th 2016 EBT Vendor is now Fidelity National Information Services Very few issues have surfaced during the conversion
Classic Medicaid Information Classic Medicaid: Spenddown Program Daily Spenddown Emergent Cases Alien Emergency Medical Program *As of 10/6/16 Oldest Document* Total Cases* 9/26/16 595 Oldest Document* Total Cases* 10/03/16 1 Oldest Document* Total Cases* 10/6/16
Client Benefit Account (CBA) Telephony Update: We are currently posting hold messaging to encourage use of: Client Benefit Account (CBA)
Sign-On Support (SOS) Team Pilot Client Benefit Account (CBA) Assistance for Washington Connection (WaConn) - the Contact Center has been operating the Sign-On-Support (SOS) Team that is helping customers establish Client Benefit Accounts (CBAs) in Washington Connection (WaConn). Customers with Client Benefit Accounts have 24/7 access to important information about benefit amounts, status of documents submitted, important due dates for case action, and can submit a Mid-Certification Review The SOS Team will try to contact the client three times per request for assistance
Child Care Subsidy Program True 12-month eligibility and simplified reporting: On July 1, 2016, most CCSP reporting requirements are removed and families will be eligible to receive child care benefits for twelve months regardless of changes in their approved activity or income (unless greater than 85% of the state median, about 300% FPL).
Child Care Subsidy Program Early Achievers requirement: Beginning August 1, licensed child care providers must be enrolled in Early Achievers in order to receive state subsidies for children who are not yet school age. Working Connections Child Care information has been added to the Client Benefit Account (CBA).
Questions? Kristen Charlet 509-834-0112