Fall 2015 2nd General Body Meeting September 21st, 2015
Membership requirements Per Semester: Attend 3 General Body Meetings Attend 1 Volunteer/Community Service Event Pay Dues Schedule conflict? Let us know! We are happy to accommodate you.
Dues $10 for a single semester OR $15 for the full year Why do we have dues? To reserve spaces and tables for events Community service events requiring donations General group expenses i.e. business cards, bake sales, t-shirt and tank top orders Food at general body meetings Raffle prizes and gifts for members
Meeting Dates and Locations Monday, Oct. 5th (HGSC Room 223) Thursday Oct. 22nd (Tuttleman Room 103) Monday Nov. 2 (HGSC Room 217C) Thursday Nov. 19th (Tuttleman Room 103)
Rec fest Thank you volunteers!
Give Kids Sight Day When: Saturday, Oct. 24th Where: Wills Eye Hospital What: Hundreds of children from Philadelphia and surrounding counties will receive free eye screenings, exams and glasses during Give Kids Sight Day. Volunteers are needed to make this event a big success! Volunteers are needed to help with refraction, vision screening, registration, patient escorting, language interpreters and entertainment. **Must register by Friday, Oct. 2nd.**
CPR Certification Cost: $50 (Compared to $100 through the American Red Cross.) How Long: About 2 hours When: TBD, there will most likely be multiple dates offered Interested? Be sure to fill out our Sign Up sheet!
Blood drive When: Friday, Oct. 2nd Where: SAC Room 217CD Time: 11am-4pm Interested in donating? Visit: redcrossblood.org Then enter the sponsor code: “Temple University Physical” Start eating your iron rich foods!
Blood Drive Information Double Red Cell Machine: Extracts only red cells You get back: plasma, platelets, and a little saline For O+, O-, and B- Eligibility: Must be 112 days or more since your last donation* Males: 5’1 or taller, 130lb+ Females: 5’5 or taller, 150lb+ *opposed to 56 days for regular whole blood donations
Hootathon What? 12 Hour Dance Marathon When? 12pm Nov. 7th, 2015 to 12am Nov. 8th, 2015 Where? Mitten Hall Why? For The Kids!!! All proceeds go to the Child Life Department at the Childeren’s Hospital of Philadelphia How to get involved: Click here! And select “Register Now”. Then join our team “Temple Pre-Physical Therapy Association”.
Temple Vs. Notre Dame T-Shirts $10 per shirt Hootathon Fundraiser Temple Vs. Notre Dame T-Shirts $10 per shirt We’ve had 82 shirts ordered so far, help us get to 100! All Orders Due: THIS Friday, September 25th *You must fill out the Google Form in order to have your order placed.
Fundraising Committee What do you do? Attend weekly/bi-weekly meetings Brainstorm new ways to fundraise Plan the events and fundraisers Help run them If interested in joining, please contact: Taylor Edelmen Email: tuf13389@temple.edu
Mentor Program Mentors: (upperclassmen) Mentees: (lowerclassmen) General: advice, support, anything Academic: by subject Pre-PT: references, shadowing opportunities, GRE’s, etc. build your resume & gain leadership experience Mentees: (lowerclassmen) Open to anyone interested If Interested: Sign up at the meeting and then through our Google Form.
Dr. Joseph Zarett Anthony Picarello Please Welcome... Dr. Joseph Zarett MPT and founder of Zarett Rehab and Fitness and Anthony Picarello Senior Exercise Physiologist
Social Media Email: tu.tppta@gmail.com Website: tppta.weebly.com