Massimo Rimondi - CINECA - EQUASP IT coordinator EQUASP – DON STATE TECHINCAL UNIVERSITY Workshop on online documentation of the Quality Assurance of Study Programmes Massimo Rimondi - CINECA - EQUASP IT coordinator
For external assessment. WHY DOES THE DOCUMENTATION (IN PARTICULAR ONLINE) OF THE QA of SP’s IS IMPORTANT ? According with the Bologna Process, in order to build the European Higher Education Area, the information for the quality assurance of study programmes must be available: To all interested parties: stakeholders, students and their families, employers, For comparabilty among study programmes of different Universities end Countries, For self-assessment, For external review, For external assessment.
THE ITALIAN EXPERIENCE: THE SUA-CDS The SUA-CDS (annual study programme sheet) is available in a computer network and contains all the information for the quality assurance of study programmes. The SUA-CDS website reserved to the Universities is the portal of the QA of Study Programmes: Every year the University must fill del SUA-CDS sheet for all the bachelor and master study programmes that it intends to activate , existent or new.
THE ITALIAN EXPERIENCE: UNIVERSITALY The SUA-CDS sheet contains two different groups of information, needed for the foundation or the annual activation of the study programmes: • Information needed for the quality assurance, • The didactic units offered by the study programmes during the academic year, •The didactic units that will be offered by the study programmes in the following academic years. The information of the SUA-CDS sheet is published on the website Universitaly:
The software is available to both public and registered users: EQUASP DOCUMENTATION SOFTWARE Software for the on-line Documentation of the Quality Assurance of Study Programmes EQUASP DOCUMENTATION SOFTWARE is a web application accessible through a web browser. The software is available to both public and registered users: public users have only access to the documentation about the SPs of the selected University; registered users, identified through Username and Password, can author the documentation.
EQUASP DOCUMENTATION SOFTWARE Software for the on-line Documentation of the Quality Assurance of Study Programmes The system proposes the default language associated to the selected University (English or Russian). The user can change the proposed default language. When the user changes the language, the system shows the translations in the selected language of: all the labels of the page fields; all the descriptions of the data displayed by the pages of the application. When the public user selects the University of interest choosing from the list of the Universities and presses the button “Study Programmes”; the system navigates to the study programmes list page.
EQUASP DOCUMENTATION SOFTWARE Software for the on-line Documentation of the Quality Assurance of Study Programmes Clicking on the Detail button the system switches to the detail page that shows the six areas containing the related requirements: 0 - General Entry: general information about the study programme A - Needs and Objectives: information about the identified educational needs and the established educational objectives B - Educational process: information about the educational process for the achievement of the established learning outcomes
EQUASP DOCUMENTATION SOFTWARE Software for the on-line Documentation of the Quality Assurance of Study Programmes C – Resources: information and data about the available resources: teaching staff, facilities, financial resources, student support services and partnerships with businesses, research institutions and other Higher Education Institutions, for the achievement of the established educational objectives D - Monitoring and Results: results of the educational process and of the elaboration of the opinions of the interested parties on its quality E - Management System: information about the policy and organization for the quality assurance of the structure the study programme belongs to and the management system for quality of the study programme
EQUASP DOCUMENTATION SOFTWARE Software for the on-line Documentation of the Quality Assurance of Study Programmes The registered user can edit the information contained in every field of the page, writing a text or specifying one or more URL’s, or attaching one or more files: Clicking on the Create pdf button is possible to generate a pdf document containing selected information on the study programme.
EQUASP MONITORING SOFTWARE Software for the on-line Monitoring of the Quality of Study Programmes perceived by Stakeholders One of the deliverables of the EQUASP project are sample questionnaires for the monitoring of the effectiveness of the educational process (requirement D). The EQUASP questionnaires have been implemented using the Lime Survay platform which is the most popular Free Open Source Software survey tool on the web. In order to check the perceived adequacy and effectiveness of the educational process, the SP should monitor at least the following students’ opinions:
EQUASP MONITORING SOFTWARE Software for the on-line Monitoring of the Quality of Study Programmes perceived by Stakeholders Questionnaire for students: course units Questionnaire for students: training periods outside University Questionnaire for students: mobility Questionnaire for graduates Questionnaire for Employed Graduates