Spanish-American War.


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Presentation transcript:

Spanish-American War

Philippine-American War

Hawaii’s Queen Liliuokalani, Sugar Plantations

Chinese Boxer Rebellion

A New U.S. Foreign Policy: 1900-1917 Section 10.3 12/6/12

How long would it take to get from NY to LA by ship?

The Panama Canal Needed shorter shipping route from Pacific to Atlantic Oceans Built on the Isthmus of Panama in Central America Why would the US want to do this?

Panama Canal

But, Panama was actually owned by Colombia U.S. didn’t want to pay $100 mill for the land So, U.S. supported the Panamanian revolution against Colombia When Panama became free, it sold U.S. the land for $10 m

Most Americans supported the building of the canal However, many Latin Americans resented the US for its manipulative actions

President Teddy Roosevelt Roosevelt Corollary: US wanted its neighbors to be stable, prosperous US would interfere in countries where they felt threatened US would interfere in countries to prevent intervention by someone else

“Speak softly, carry a big stick”: Roosevelt felt the US should be kind and respectful to other nations However, if this policy failed, the US should use military force

Teddy Roosevelt

President William Taft The US began interfering often in Latin America to “protect its interests” Dollar diplomacy: invest in foreign countries to keep them stable Unfortunately, many countries began to view the US as a bully

President Taft and Wilson

The Mexican Revolution U.S. businesses afraid they would lose money So, Pres. Wilson supported a leader who would protect those interests This led to violent clashes between US/Mexico

Mexican Revolution