Kindergarten News Word Wall Words Math Next Week’s Themes Thanksgiving This week we added the word “is” to our word wall. So far we have the following words: a, I, the, my, see, like, to, go, and, is Please practice these words at home with your child. We will not be adding a new word next week. Math This past week we continued learning about numbers 6-10. We specifically focused on the number 8. We will learn to write, name and sequence these numbers. We will compare numbers and connect counting to cardinality. We are continuing to work our way through Dreambox and completing our eSpark math APPS. In addition, we enjoyed learning about subtraction with our book “Five Little Turkeys.” As one turkey waddled off, the students figured out how many turkeys were left. Thanksgiving Feast Our feast will be on Monday, November 19th at 10:00 in the SAC room next door. Thank you to all who signed up to bring in an item or two! Please have all items to school on Monday. Please email me if you’d like to help set up the feast in the SAC room from 9:30-10:00 and/or attend the feast from approximately 10:00-10:30! Next Week’s Themes Thanksgiving Pilgrims Native Americans My 5 Senses Poetry Folders Just a reminder that poetry folders go home on Thursdays and should be returned on Mondays so the next poem can be added to the folder. Thank you for taking the time to read the poem Thursday-Sunday with your child and completing the brief homework assignment at the top of the page. The students always work on their illustration in class, but sometimes their homework entails adding to their illustration or drawing a picture on the back of their poem. If you have questions, please email me. Odds and Ends Thank you to all of our families who attended conferences! It was amazing to meet with you and discuss your child’s progress in the classroom! Please have your child wear his/her pajamas to school on Tuesday, November 20th for our Pajama Day. The children may bring slippers but need to wear shoes to school. Due to the short week next week there will not be a newsletter that comes home. Happy Thanksgiving to all of our wonderful families! I am very thankful to have the opportunity to work with your children! eSpark eSpark is officially up and running for math and reading! Not only is your child’s individual quest based on the NWEA results, but also goals he/she has set. We met together and your child had the opportunity to “choose” which direction to go in math and reading. Upcoming Dates Monday, November 19th Kindergarten Thanksgiving Feast at 10:00 Tuesday, November 20th Kindergarten Pajama Day and Thanksgiving Crafts November 21st—November 23rd No school Happy Thanksgiving! December 3rd Santa Shop 10:15 am (Please let me know if you’d like to help our class shop!) Letter of the Week This past week we learned about the letters Gg and Oo. We will not focus on any specific letters next week due to the short week.