A strategy to help us express a depth of understanding as we write Raft Writing A strategy to help us express a depth of understanding as we write
What is Raft? R - Role of the writer: Who are you? A - Audience: Who are you writing to? F - Format: What form will it take? T - Topic + strong verb: What is the purpose of your assignment?
Role of the Writer Newspaper reporter Famous American Lawyer Scientist Rock Star Super Hero
Audience Congress The President Your teacher A mother Your friend The newspaper The School Board
Format A letter A speech A memo A journal A recipe Song lyrics A conversation
Topic + strong verb Persuade a soldier to spare your life Demand equal pay for equal work Plead to stop smoking Convince your mother to buy you a new bike Importance of studying before a test
A few samples… R – a water drop A – Parent F – Fairy Tale T – Explain the travels of a water drop as it goes through the water cycle
R- Newspaper Reporter A – Readers in the early 1900s F – News Release T – The effects of the Depression
RAFT Example R - Student at Rushe A – President of the United States F – email T – The pilgrims didn’t have to go to school during Thanksgiving week, so why should we? Persuade the president to cancel school the week of Thanksgiving.
November 16, 2010 Dear President Obama, I am writing this on behalf of the students in our nation to plead with you to cancel school during the week of Thanksgiving. Our ancestors, the Pilgrims, did not have to attend school during that week, so why should we? Wouldn’t you enjoy having your own daughters home? Don’t you think kids need to have that special week of thanks to spend time with their parents? I urge you to make Thanksgiving week a mandatory week off for students (and teachers) in the United States. Happy Thanksgiving, Mrs. Gilliland
Your turn… Use the chart of RAFT ideas to write to this prompt: The pilgrims didn’t have to go to school during Thanksgiving week, so why should we? Persuade the audience you chose to cancel school the week of Thanksgiving.