West African History Ghana & Mali
The Kingdom of Ghana (500 AD – 1170 AD)
Rise of Ghana Ghana had a lot of gold and iron ore. Ghana became the first far-reaching trade empire in West Africa Ghana’s kings established and maintained their power through: their vast wealth (gold), personal relationship with subjects, and large standing armies (iron).
Ghana’s Economy Ghana traded gold with cultures in North Africa for salt Salt was important because it: Preserved food, Essential to their diet, And helped the taste of food. Berber traders, then Muslim traders controlled the Saharan Trade.
Decline of Ghana Spread of the Sahara Desert strained Ghana’s growing population Urban populations became dependent on imported food Muslim traders took primary control over the Saharan trade Ghana’s income from trade declined
Ghana’s Collapse Food shortage and reduced income made the empire less stable. Ghana territory came under increased influence of the spreading Islamic empire to the north. The Mali leader Sundiata Keita defeats the remnants of the Ghana Empire around 1240 AD.
The Kingdom of Mali (1230 AD – 1600)
Rise of Mali Established by Sundiata Keita Epic of Sundiata Sundiata Keita adopts Islam as the official religion of Mali Timbuktu becomes one of the world’s largest trading centers and the world’s most advanced centers of learning.
Eventually, Mali covered a territory larger than western Europe. … and consisted of numerous vassal kingdoms and provinces in West and Central Africa.
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