Institutional Research Institutional Research, Planning & Assessment Institutional Research Space Planning Strategic Services Clearinghouse for all official University reporting/ statistics Federal & local government reports (IPEDS, compliance) National Surveys for assessment (NEASC) Strategic research for Divisions and Departments Guidelines and policies for campus surveys Leverage Data Warehouse: Dept. data reports Executive dashboards Integrated reporting Alterations & Renovations: enhanced on-line service Space Programming FAST -- space plans accessible to users BIM -- integrated building information for space planning and facilities maintenance Master plan for space -- work with senior leadership to develop long range plans for buildings and programs Program Review Service center design and implementation services Strategic planning services for schools, divisions and individual departments Facilitation support for strategic, business and organizational development initiatives Institutional effectiveness resources and support: Project planning Implementation services Operational efficiencies Action plan monitoring Change management Some Where we are today, and where we would like to go Asked Jess, Gina and Mike to talk for a minute or two about their areas and where they see the need for growth in services…
Trends in Institutional Effectiveness: Blended functions A growing number of universities are blending institutional research, assessment and planning to support data-driven strategic activities. Historical Practices: Best Practices: Information is not integrated across systems Data are not woven into planning process Lack of planning and implementation support for Divisions/departments Integration of institutional research and strategic services to support planning. Targeted use of data to help leaders make business decisions. Analyses that drive strategic deployment of resources. Context… As part of our review we look externally to best practices. Watched where other institutions have gone. Villanova… 8 years ago, model. Jim Trainer Notre Dame…visited us in IR, and contacted Mike to copy our APR program Some Catholic inst. strong planning Xavier but credit to Pat’s vision, ahead of the curve. Father, we share this with you to make sure that our direction is in concert with where you would like us to be, and so that you are aware of some of our programs so that as needs arise, we can hopefully be of service to you.