Monitoring system commissioning F. Ambrosino
Fiber Monitoring The LED NIM module is working: Ethernet comunication established LABVIEW software tested Temperature stability inside specifications The module can pulse up to 80 LGs by internal or external Clock
Basic documentation provided NEWLEDCOntrol instruction: This VI is composed by 5 sections: I) TCP-IP STATUS: When the VI is started automatically opens the connection to the specified IP. Use the STOP button to close the connection and the VI II) LED SETTING: T: Temperature of the 5 LEDs (common) A/C set the light amplitude for each of the 5 LEDs: A: is fine tuning with range between 1000 and 4095 C: is coarse value with range between 0 and 3 E: Enable the single LED: the number 1 is the top one III) TRIGGER TYPE Internal Trigger: an internal clock trigger the pulse. The frequency can be set between 1 and 500 Hz. A NIM pulse is generated as output from the two LEMO connectors. Externa Trigger: The light pulses are generate according to a NIM clock feeded into the NIM2 LEMO connector. The signal must be connected with a 50 ohm terminated T splitter. IV) Temperature and Enable Monitoring: Here are monitored the Temperature and Enable status of the 5 LEDs, every around 1s The 5 temperatures and the set temperature can be saved on a file. V) Waveform chart just the report of the 5 Temperatures NOTES: I) At the starting of the VI all the values in the setting and trigger sections are set II) The NIM module presents the following leds: 1 green led on the bottom: this means that power is ON 5 orange leds close to each fiber connector: they are ON if the LED is at the SET temperature inside a 1°C range. It can happen that one or more of these LED are OFF or start to blink. This is not necessary a problem, check the monitored T to see if it is stable around his equilibrium point (tha can be close to the limit) 5 red leds close to each fiber connector: they start to blink when a light pulse is present III) The switch on the botton, close to the Ethernet and serial connectors define which of this two is used: rigth: Ethernet left : serial IV) When the module is turned ON a sequence of blinkering leds must appeare. If this is not the case you MUST turn OFF and ON the module. Basic documentation provided
Fibers map We reconstructed the fiber map after the mounting of the new optical flange FibersMAP Layer Bananas Fiber 0,1,6,7 0U 2,3,4,5 1U 1 2U 3U 2 4U 0D 3 1D 2D 4 3D 4D 4 3 2 1 up dw 4 3 2 1
Fiber status (I) We checked the LED response of the 160 LGs LED TRIGGER LGRESPONSE
Fibers status (II) In Frascati we found 5 dead fibers by eye inspection (laser diode ) We have found now 3 more “almost dead” channels (escaped at the Frascati inspection?) Light correlated noise 3 Almost Dead fibres 5 Dead fibres
List of the dead fibers Layer Banana LG Frascati 1 2 7 y 3 4 6 A significant accumulation in the first two LGs (0 and 1) of the banana suggests a problem in the fibers extra-length that can interfere with the mechanical structure during the positioning in the ring
3 2 1 Further investigation is needed. Anyway next bundles will be product with fibers of different lengths for a better embedded solution
Status of blocks equalization We are checking channel equalization using muon runs. >3sigma >3sigma Fit block Special treatment of first/last layers
Status of blocks equalization We are checking channel equalization using muon runs.
Status of blocks equalization We are checking channel equalization using muon runs. First plane removed
Conclusions and future plans The monitoring fiber system is working Tomorrow (MD) we plan to take some data using the LED system to trigger the DAQ. For the final detector we will not use NIM standard for the LED pulser module, but a standalone device (better cooling of the Peltier cells, no need for NIM crates in the final DAQ system) Very preliminary analysis of QDC data for muon runs shows the detector is working at the desired working point.