Northern European youth conference 2013 “I will aspire” Northern European youth conference 2013
What makes life boring for many people is not so much their environment, but lack of personal aspiration – something really exciting to live for.
I Samuel 1:9-18; Psalm 27:4; Mark 11:24 PASSION FIRE SEARCH FERVOUR DESIRE LONGING HUNGER ASPIRATION VISION REACH QUEST EARNESTNESS THIRST PANTING It is only those things we desire strongly that we can seek earnestly and pray for passionately I Samuel 1:9-18; Psalm 27:4; Mark 11:24
Tim, why aren’t you playing with the rest of us? I just feel bored. I don’t enjoy staying down here forever. I feel like flying!
But I feel miserable. I can’t control the desire to fly! Flying? Don’t be silly. We aren’t meant to fly. We are chickens. I feel really good to be what I am to be! But I feel miserable. I can’t control the desire to fly!
Sometimes I also feel like that Sometimes I also feel like that. But you see, chickens don’t really fly like birds. Full stop. Fool, stop! Is it possible I’m a bird? Suppose I could indeed fly and I never did? That would be…
I think you’re losing your mind, Tim. Why do you bother yourself I think you’re losing your mind, Tim. Why do you bother yourself? So many of us are like that! Suppose I’m not like many others. What if I’m really meant to be different?
Worms. But is this all I can do with my life? Come on, Tim. Let’s go and find some worms. It’ll be more exciting than flying! OK. If you say so! Worms. But is this all I can do with my life?
Worms, worms, worms for life. I’m getting crazy! Tim is so different. He thinks strange thoughts and doesn’t enjoy the things we do. I’ll talk to him again. I think I understand him. You may not believe it, but he wants to fly! Worms, worms, worms for life. I’m getting crazy! Fly?!? Why?
Tim, as you grow, you become even more different from the rest of us Tim, as you grow, you become even more different from the rest of us. Your eyes, beaks, claws… everything! Really? Yes. You know what? If you feel like flying, why not try to? After all, you might happen to be a special chicken! Thanks. I’ll give it a try. What does it hurt? If I fall, I’ll rise again. And if not, I’ll keep flying!
Harry, when do you think Tim is coming back? We really miss him! SOME WEEKS LATER… Harry, when do you think Tim is coming back? We really miss him! Never, never. He’s no chicken like us. He’s found his company, he’s really an eagle! No wonder! THE END
Lessons learnt Listen to that genuine, prodding voice inside you no matter how faint. And listen to those who urge you up! A chicken will be a bad eagle. An eagle will be a miserable chicken. Know who you are. Don’t allow the noise of the crowd to drawn your inner desire for distinction. You don’t need to be ‘them’; they don’t need to be ‘you’. Let you be you! If you nurse a desire long enough, it will begin to control you. Don’t count on immediate understanding when you aspire to do something extraordinary. Harry was not an eaglet but he had great value as a chick. Harry eventually liberated Tim. Make the best out of your possibilities! To be truly fulfilled, you must find your own company.
What will aspiration add to your life? It makes you think differently from others; you begin to think of progress. It produces a positive change in your attitude to time and life. It makes you to begin to dream dreams of success, dreams of significant progress. It sets you free from boredom; your life suddenly takes a new turn! It draws different friends to you – people who make real progress. Your education and other training suddenly begins to make new sense. It makes you to move closer to those who can mentor you and help you up. It pushes you to ask serious questions. It gives you the energy and excitement to work harder. It makes you to seek God in a new way. Your prayer is no longer boring. Genesis 37:5-11
Sample aspirations I want to become the first black scientist to go into space. I want to start a Black Kids Initiative that will remove black kids from drugs and criminality. I want to develop a medicine that will… What if I could lead one million souls to Christ in my lifetime? I want to do research that will help the deaf and dumb. Suppose I could develop body wear to keep the body at a comfortable temperature regardless of the weather. I want to help youths like me to become confident of their identity and pursue meaningful education. …
How does ASPIRATION MANIFEST ITSELF? A: Assurance (Isaiah 50:7). S: Separation (Proverbs 18:1). P: Persistence (I Samuel 17:26-31). I: Inspiration – You need to be inspired to aspire (Luke 6:45; Job 32:8,17-20). R: ‘Restlessness’ (Proverbs 30:15,16). E: Excitement (Acts 26:24-28).