MICROBIOLOGIA GENERALE Microbial metabolisms 2
aerobic respiration in chemolithotrophs Microbial metabolism aerobic respiration in chemolithotrophs
H20, H2S, S, organic molecules Metabolism e- donor e- acceptor Microorganisms Fermentation Organic molecules Organic molecule Obligately anaerobic and facultative chemoorganotrophic Aerobic Respiration Organic molecules Inorganic O2 Obligately aerobic and facultative Chemolithotrophs Anaerobic Respiration Organic or inorganic molecules NO3 SO4 CO2 Nitrate reducers Sulfate reducers Methanogenic Photosynthesis H20, H2S, S, organic molecules NADP NADPH Cyanobacteria, Green and Purple bacteria
Energetics and carbon flow in chemolithotrophic respiratory metabolism
Energetics and carbon flow in chemolithotrophic respiratory metabolism
Type of chemolithotrophs Energy yields from the oxidation of various inorganic electron donor Electron donor Reaction Type of chemolithotrophs E0’ of couple (V) Hydrogen H2+1/2O2 H2O Hydrogen bacteria -0.42 Sulfide HS-+H++1/2O2 S0+H20 Sulfur bacteria -0.27 Sulfur S0+1/2O2+H2O SO42-+H2O -0.20 Ammonium NH4++1/2O2 NO2 +2H+ +H2O Nyitrifyng bacteria +0.34 Nitrite NO2-+1/2O2 NO3- Nitrifying bacteria +0.43 Ferrous ion Fe2++H++1/4O2 Fe3+ +1/2O2 Iron bacteria +0.77
Bioenergetics and function of two hydrogenases of an aerobic H2 bacterium: Ralstonia eutropha
Bioenergetics and function of two hydrogenases of an aerobic H2 bacterium: Ralstonia eutropha
Oxidation of ammonia and electron flow in ammonia-oxidizing bacteria: the nytrosofyer Nitrosomonas
Oxidation of nitrite to nitrate by the nytrifyng Nitrobacter
NAD+/NADH+H+ = -0.32V NO2-/NH3 = +0.34V NO2-/NO3- = +0.43V Reverse electron flow
Steps in the oxidation of reduced sulfur compounds by sulfur chemolithotrophs Deposition of internal sulfur granules by Beggiatoa
Oxidation of reduced sulfur compounds by sulfur chemolithotrophs
Electron flow during Fe2+ oxidation by the acidophile Thiobacillus ferrooxidans
Reverse electron flow Energetics and electron flow during Fe2+ oxidation by the acidophile Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans
Model for anaerobic ammonium oxidation coupled to the anammoxosome membrane in anammox bacteria
anaerobic respiration Microbial metabolism anaerobic respiration
H20, H2S, S, organic molecules Metabolism e- donor e- acceptor Microorganisms Fermentation Organic molecules Organic molecule Obligately anaerobic and facultative chemoorganotrophic Aerobic Respiration Organic molecules Inorganic O2 Obligately aerobic and facultative Chemolithotrophs Anaerobic Respiration Organic or inorganic molecules NO3 SO4 CO2 Nitrate reducers Sulfate reducers Methanogenic Photosynthesis H20, H2S, S, organic molecules NADP NADPH Cyanobacteria, Green and Purple bacteria
The anaerobic way of life: examples of anaerobic respirations
Anaerobic respiration 1. Nitrate reduction and the denitrification: facultative aerobes (Escherichia, Pseudomonas) 2. Sulfate reduction: obligate anaerobes (Desulfovibrio) 3. Carbonate respiration (methanogenesis): Archaea obligate anaerobes (Methanobacterium) 4. Carbonate respiration (acetogenesis): homoacetogenic bacteria obligate anaerobes (Acetobacterium) 5. Ferric iron, manganese, fumarate, halogenated compounds:facultative aerobes and obligate anaerobes
Steps in the dissimilative reduction of nitrate
Electron transport in Pseudomonas stutzeri during denitrification
Electron transport in E. coli when O2 or NO3- is the electron acceptor
Electron transport in sulfate-reducing bacteria
Electron transport in sulfate-reducing bacteria
Hydrogen is a major electron donor for homoacetogens and methanogens that can use CO2 as electron acceptor
Microbial metabolism photosynthesis
H20, H2S, S, organic molecules Metabolism e- donor e- acceptor Microorganisms Fermentation Organic molecules Organic molecule Obligately anaerobic and facultative chemoorganotrophic Aerobic Respiration Organic molecules Inorganic O2 Obligately aerobic and facultative chemoorganotrophic Chemolithotrophs Anaerobic Respiration Organic or inorganic molecules NO3 SO4 CO2 Nitrate reducers Sulfate reducers Methanogenic Photosynthesis H20, H2S, S, organic molecules NADP NADPH Cyanobacteria, Green and Purple bacteria
Energetics and carbon flow in phototrophic metabolism
Energetics and carbon flow in phototrophic metabolism
Classification of phototrophic organisms in terms of energy and carbon sources.
Oxygenic photosynthesis green plants, algae and cyanobacteria e-and H+ donor: H2O nH2O+nCO2 (CH2O)n + nO2 Light Anoxygenic photosynthesis purple and green bacteria, heliobacteria e-and H+ donor: H2S, S2O32-, H2, organic compounds 2H2S+CO2 (CH2O) +H2O +2S Light
Energy and reducing power synthesis in oxygenic phototrophs. Oxygenic phototrophs obtain their energy from light (hv) and light also drives the oxidation of water to oxygen.
Energy and reducing power synthesis in anoxygenic phototrophs Anoxygenic phototrophs obtain their energy from light (hv).
Structures of chlorophyll a
Structures of bacteriochlorophyll a
Structure of all known bacteriochlorophylls
The chlorosome of green sulfur and green nonsulfur bacteria
Model for the arrangement of light-harvesting chlorophylls/bacteriochlorophylls versus reaction centers
Structure of b-carotene, a typical carotenoid
Structure of a ficobilosome
Reaction center (RCII) in the anoxygenic photosynthesis of a purple bacterium
Cyclic Photophosphorylation General scheme of electron flow in anoxygenic photosynthesis in a purple bacterium
Arrangement of protein complexes in the photosynthetic membrane of a purple phototrophic bacterium
Arrangement of protein complexes in the photosynthetic membrane of a purple phototrophic bacterium
General scheme of electron flow in anoxygenic photosynthesis in a purple bacterium NAD(P)H Generation
A comparison of electron flow in purple bacteria, green sulfur bacteria, and heliobacteria
A comparison of electron flow in purple bacteria, green sulfur bacteria, and heliobacteria
Electron flow in oxygenic photosynthesis, the “Z” scheme
Electron flow in oxygenic photosynthesis, the “Z” scheme
Key enzyme reaction of the Calvin cycle. Reaction of the enzyme ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase.
Key enzyme reaction of the Calvin cycle. Steps in the conversion of 3-phosphoglyceric acid (PGA) to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate.
Key enzyme reaction of the Calvin cycle. Conversion of ribulose 5-phosphate to the acceptor molecule ribulose bisphosphate by the enzyme phosphoribulokinase.
The Calvin cycle: For each six molecules of CO2 incorporated, one fructose 6-phosphate is produced
Amino acid biosynthesis
Map of the photosynthetic gene cluster of the purple phototrophic bacterium, Rhodobacter capsulatus
Ammonia incorporation in bacteria