Gender Diversity Through Time… Non-Binary Gender Identity PSHE Gender Diversity Through Time… Non-Binary Gender Identity
At the End of this Lesson You Should Know: What Non-Binary means Understand the history of non-binary identity How to correctly address a non-binary person with pronouns
Glossary Binary gender means you identify with one of the two binary genders (boy or girl) Non-binary gender means you do not identify with a binary gender Gender identity means the gender you feel you belong to. It is different from your sex in that your sex is biologically determined and your gender is psychologically, emotionally and culturally determined.
Glossary continued A trans person is generally someone whose sex and gender don’t match. Some trans people may 'transition', which means that they start living their life in a different gender from the one they were given at birth as a result of their biological sex. Men and women whose birth sex and gender identity are matched are cisgender. AFAB means you were assigned female at birth AMAB means you were assigned male at birth
Non-Binary Identity Now A non-binary person may ask for you to use non-gendered pronouns such as they/them. Non-binary people’s gender can be characterised by presenting themselves differently from what is expected from the gender they were assigned at birth. However every non-binary person has a different experience of gender so this isn’t always the case.
A Point About Identity An important point is that you own your identity. Imagine somebody called you by a name that wasn’t your own. You correct them but they continue to use their choice of name for you rather than your correct/chosen name. This starts to annoy you so you challenge them and tell them to stop. They then tell you that what you call yourself is incorrect and their name for you is the correct one. How would this make you feel? It’s important to use the right terms for people and that means using the terms they choose.
In the past Many believe that non-binary identities are new; yet in many cultures non-binary people have existed for centuries. The South Asian Hirja have been a part of South Asian culture for hundreds of years. They are AMAB people who identify as women. After the criminalisation of cross-dressing in 1897 Hirjas became ostracised. Many years later India now has laws recognising the Hirja as a third gender.
The Bugi People of Sulawesi The Bigi people recognise three sexes (male, female, and intersex) and 5 genders (men, women, calabai, calalai and bissu). Bissu are a transcendent gender which can encompass all genders or none at all. Calalai are people who were AFAB and gender identify as men. Calabai are AMAB people who identify as women.
Activity Many cultures in many parts of the world have, and do, recognise, and celebrate, diversity of gender identity and expression. Work with a partner. Using your Gender identity through time sheet fill out the blank boxes for Hirja and The Bugi People
Plenary Explain to a partner and write down for homework: Research the Two Spirit gender identity and write about it in the empty box on your worksheet; Write down three other things you learned.