Instructional Coaching Tools Modeled Through the English/LA Standards Carole Welcome and Introductions November 16, 2016
Design of the KAS English/LA Standards College and Career Readiness English Language Arts 1)Informational (10) 2)Literary (10) Reading (20) Writing (10) Speaking & Listening (6) Language (6) Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Reading (10) Carole Visual Chart of the key design… Quick Reminder of standards… Fewer and Broader… This means that teachers must design more rigorous tasks to help students achieve learning at a higher level… The overarching skill emphasized in the ELA standards is COMPREHENSION at its highest level: ANALYSIS, CLASSIFICATION, ABILITY TO COMPARE/CONTRAST, SYNTHESIZE Reading has 20 standards that are sub-divided into informational and literary text and each has10 standards (each connects back to its corresponding CCR anchor) 10 standards for writing 6 Standards for Speaking and Listening 6 Standards for Language Content Specific Literacy standards include 10 standards for reading and 10 for writing: Along with the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) in partnership with Achieve, Inc., ACT, and the College Board initiated a state-led process of developing and adopting a common core of state standards, the Common Core State Standards Initiative. Focused on critical demands of the global economy Fewer, but more rigorous Easily communicated to stakeholders Based on research Considered international benchmarks Aligned from kindergarten through college entrance: Intended to be a living work: as new and better evidence emerges the standards will be revised accordingly
Shifts at the Heart of the Standards Complexity: Regular practice with complex text and its academic language. Evidence: Reading and writing grounded in evidence from text, literary and informational. Knowledge: Building knowledge through content rich nonfiction. Carole Summary of the 6 CCSS Shifts That Build Toward College and Career Readiness for All Students READ LIKE DETECTIVE, WRITE LIKE A REPORTER NOTES ABOUT THE 6 SHIFTS HANDOUT: Percentages affect elementary teachers the most… High Schools need to clarify the percentages across the curriculum (ALL teachers are literacy teachers) Appendix B addresses this… There is now more text available that has been through the 3 step process… STRATEGY OF CLOSE READING! Teachers constantly using strategies to increase student’s ability to access more complex text Refer participants to handout: REALLY EMPHASIS staying connected to text… Refer participants to handout: Understanding this is important for ON-DEMAND writing … necessary to be College and Career Ready. All subject areas have Literacy Standards!! There are 10 Reading and 10 Writing Standards for specific to subjects other than English. They are basic skills that make us LITERATE in discussing/writing about ANY topic. TEXT COMPLEXITY, TD QUESTIONS AND WRITING FROM SOURCES = ON-DEMAND WRITING
English/LA Progressions Document Carole Handouts: (Will refer to 6th grade…) Reading Standard 1 and 10 Writing Standards 2 and 4
Deconstructed Standards KAS English/LA Deconstructed Standards Carole Handouts: 6th Grade Deconstructed Reading Standard 1 and 10 Deconstructed Writing Standards 2 and 4 Deconstructed using a process… Kentucky Academic Standards for English Language Arts Deconstructed Standards Published: 2/19/2016 2:42 PM The complete set of deconstructed standards for English Language Arts were created collaboratively by teachers and leaders across the Commonwealth. Please note that these deconstructions have been reviewed, edited, and revised based on feedback from internal and external reviewers. ELA-Deconstructed-Standards.aspx
Common Core ELA Appendices Appendix C: Annotated Writing Samples at Various Grade Levels Carole 3 Appendices: A: Supplementary materials and a glossary (43 pages) B: Text exemplars illustrating complexity. text complexity is measured by 3 factors (DON’T KNOW IF I WILL GO INTO ALL THIS ABOUT APPENDIX B , BUT I WILL HAVE IT IF NEEDED) qualitative evaluation (levels of meaning, structure, language conventionality, and clarity, and knowledge demands) quantitative evaluation (readability, and other scores of text complexity), and matching reader to text and task (reader variables such as motivation, knowledge and experience, and task variables such as purpose and complexity generated by task assigned or question posed) quality and range of reading for grade levels (includes text types for K-5 and 6-12 bands in these broad categories: stories, dramas, poetry and literary nonfiction/(historical, scientific and technical texts for K-5 only) Accompanying Sample Performance Tasks (183 pages) C: Annotated samples demonstrating at least adequate performance in writing at various grade levels (106 pages) Appendix A: Supplementary Materials and Glossary Appendix B: Text Exemplars and Sample Performance Tasks
Carole icurio is a valuable to teachers as a tool for accessing specific instructional strategies aligned to Kentucky Standards in ALL content areas Provided at no cost to all ARI districts
Carole After clicking on standards tab at top… Next click on Academic Standards KAS (All Content Areas’ Standards) CCA is for Social Studies ONLY
Carole Choose Standards
Carole Choose Grade Level
Carole Choose Strand
Carole Choose Specific Standard
Carole Choose Specific Skill A listing of resources directly aligned to the standards AND vetted by a 127 point process will be listed!
The Instructional Shifts provide a frame that describes how the Kentucky Academic Standards raise expectations across multiple areas of the educational experience including instructional materials, classroom practices, and assessments. Renee’ HANDOUT: 5 Highly Effective Teaching Practices As a curriculum coach working with teachers… intentional focus has to be given to classroom practices that addresses students’ needs and to ensure students are proficient or moving towards proficiency … Not just in Reading, but other content areas as well! Coaching is …. working with teachers to improve their effectiveness and performance the process of helping someone to unlock their own potential Instructional materials … Rigor Level - are primarily a medium for delivery of content; the teacher reiterates and builds on the content - any resource a teacher uses to help him teach his students - are the tools used in educational lessons, which includes active learning and assessment Classroom Practices 5 Highly Effective Teaching Practices Handout Assessments Formative and Summative
Kentucky Academic Standards for English/Language Arts The purpose of literature is to convey themes about the human experience The critical role of content areas is recognized in the CCSS with its emphasis on informational texts. Elfrieda H. Hiebert TextProject & the University of California, Santa Cruz Renee’ One of the most difficult challenges is to ensure focus is given to both reading in ELA and within other contents areas as well… As everyone become a “Reading Teacher” READING: LITERATURE AND READING: INFORMATIONAL Standard 1 R.CCR.1: Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. Standard 3 R.CCR.3: Analyze how and why individuals, events, and ideas develop and interact over the course of a text. Standard 6 R.CCR.6: Assess how point of view or purpose shapes the content and style of a text. Standard 10 R.CCR.10: Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently. WRITING: Standard 2 W.CCR.2: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content. W.CCR.3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, well-chosen details, and well-structured event sequences. Standard 9 W.CCR.9: Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
What Is Text Complexity? Text complexity is defined in three parts: Quantitative dimensions of text complexity, which are objective and are evaluated by measures such as Flesch Kincaid® or the Lexile framework Qualitative measures of text complexity, which are more subjective and include things like levels of meaning and language clarity Reader and task considerations, which include variables such as student motivation and the complexity of the assignment (Ryan & Frazee, 2012)\ Renee’ As a coach one of the most difficult obstacles to overcome is ensure that teachers are using rigorous text in all content areas. Why does the teaching occur, but student performance is falling short? REMEMBER: Lexile is only one “piece” of text complexity! Use “To Kill A Mockingbird” as a quick example: It lexiles at grade 4-5 reading level, but the qualitative and reader/task considerations move it to high school level of text complexity. The novel is MUCH too complex for 4th-5th graders. In other words, 4-5 graders can PRONOUNCE the words, but have no chance of comprehending it.
7 Actions that Teachers Can Take Right Now: Text Complexity Focus on Knowledge Create Connections Activate Students’ Passion Develop Vocabulary Increase the Volume Build Up Stamina Identify Benchmarks Renee’ HANDOUT: 7 Actions that Teachers Can Take Right Now: Text Complexity When working with teachers 7 actions that can immediately be targeted
Creating Connections: KNOWS K Did I draw on students’ existing knowledge and experience? N Did I identify what new knowledge can be gained from this text and guide students in gaining it? O Did I support students in organizing their new knowledge with their existing knowledge and/or experiences? W Did I show students ways to widen their knowledge? S Did I support students in sharing their knowledge? Renee’ The teacher’s role in assisting students in connecting with text. The Solution to Reading Comprehension ReadWorks is committed to solving America’s reading comprehension crisis and student achievement gap. Driven by cognitive science research, ReadWorks creates world-class content, teacher guidance, and integrated tools that improve teacher effectiveness and student achievement. Free Resource for K-12 Digital as well as paper/pencil Addresses the CCSS Incorporates On-Demand (Text-Based) Renee’ HANDOUT: Debate: A Gym Jam: Should kids be allowed to pass on gym class? Identify skills for each question and give standard Share On-Demand Prompt / Student Responses
KVEC Literacy Instructional Specialist Carole Mullins, NBCT KVEC Literacy Instructional Specialist Renee’ Buchanan, Instructional Coach/Teacher Pike County Schools Carole and Renee’ Q and A Closing