Pentagon to the People Brief USASMDC/ARSTRAT Pentagon to the People Brief
Agenda Command Overview Who We Are What We Do HQ Major Subordinate Element – Tech Center Major Subordinate Element – Future Warfare Center Job Career Density Hiring Opportunities SMART Intern Program Department of Labor WRP Summer Interns Current Hiring Perspective
Command Overview USASMDC/ARSTRAT Mission Mission Areas USASMDC/ARSTRAT develops and provides current and future global space, missile defense, and high altitude forces and capabilities to the Army, the Joint Force, and our interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational Allies and partners to enable mission command, enhance deterrence and detection of strategic attacks, and protect U.S. vital interests in Land, Air, Maritime, Space and Cyber domains. USASMDC/ARSTRAT Mission Areas Enduring Priorities ASCC/Operational Support Defend the Homeland Support the Warfighter Prepare for the Future Develop Emerging Technologies Sustain Strategic Advantage Be Responsible Stewards of our Nation’s Resources Senior Commander JFCC IMD Service Activities Army Proponency Other CG Roles & Responsibilities Commander, Joint Functional Component Command for Integrated Missile Defense (JFCC IMD) Senior Commander for U.S. Army Garrison - Kwajalein Atoll and Fort Greely, Alaska Army Air and Missile Defense Enterprise Integrator Personnel Developer, Functional Area 40 Space Operations Officers 1st Space Brigade 100th Missile Defense Brigade (GMD) Future Warfare Center Technical Center
Headquarters and Subordinate Brigades Key Tasks Provides more than 600 operational forces, operationally deployed or forward stationed, on point for the nation Delivers theater missile warning to deployed forces Provides military satellite communications around the globe Provides Friendly Force Tracking capabilities of 500,000+ locations and receives approximately 1.5 million reports daily Provides GEOINT support to the Joint Warfighter Provides space tracking and space situational awareness capabilities to USSTRATCOM Manages Functional Area (FA) 40 Space Operations Officer Life-Cycle Provides Army Astronauts for NASA duties
UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Future Warfare Center Develops space and missile defense concepts, requirements, and doctrine Trains Army Space Cadre and Missile Defense operators ~200 formal courses with 8100 students during Fiscal Year 2016 Designs and documents space and missile defense organizations Performs wargames, experiments, integration and evaluation, and prototyping Advocates for Army space and missile defense Executes rapid fielding of space equipment to the Warfighter Provides modeling and simulation for Army space and missile defense Takes equipment from concept to fielding FM 3-14 Space Operations FM 3-27 GBMD Operations UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO
Technical Center Key Tasks Operates Ronald Reagan Ballistic Missile Defense Test Site (RTS) as a major range and test facility and operates the RTS Operations Center in Huntsville (ROC-H) Executes space and missile defense research and development High Energy Laser Tactical Vehicle Demonstrator (HEL TVD) to counter rockets, artillery, mortars, and other threats Space-based capabilities in low earth orbit to directly enable next-generation Army communications and ISR tactical systems High power microwave weapons for counter-IED and other applications Advanced Hypersonic technologies Test execution support for space, missile defense, and hypersonic technologies and ballistic missile targets Capability gap mitigation
Job Density
SMART Intern Opportunities Hands-on experience recently graduated engineers, scientists and current college students as interns Sourced through DOD’s Science, Mathematics and Research for Transformation (SMART) scholarship program Current participants from Tuskegee Univ, Univ of Michigan, Texas A&M, Georgia Tech, Univ of Virginia, Univ of Rochester, and UAH Covers educational expenses for a BS, MS or PhD in one of the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) areas; a stipend; an internship with SMDC during summers and potential for a permanent position once participants graduate with their degrees Required to work at SMDC for a period equal to the scholarship period For more information about SMART go to
Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP) SMDC Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP) Program designed to recruit highly motivated college students and recent graduates with disabilities for summer internships Candidates represent all majors, and range from college freshmen to graduate students and law students. Students apply through their University SMDC utilizes the WRP database to recruit summer interns Interns gain hands-on experience while still in college Sourced through DOL and DOD Office of Diversity Management and Equal Opportunity
SMDC Current Hiring Environment Lower than normal employee attrition Mandated rightsizing of the workforce Unique mission that requires specific competencies and skills We are still seeking talented high achievers!
Internship Opportunities Science, Mathematics & Research Transformation (SMART) Ms. Andrea Weathington, (256) 955-2149 SMDC Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP) Ms. Mary Peoples, (256) 955-4275