2013 Walk For Bibles and International Ministries Goal $17,000 Raised $18,136 2014 Walk For Bibles and International Ministries (last week) Goal $19,000 Raised $10,000 (as of 10-04-2014)
2013-14 Seafarers Ministry 2475 Seafarers Present at the IMC 308 Volunteered times 495 Ships served 1309 Heard the Gospel in Chapel 939 Received a Bible or Jesus Video in own language 183 Decisions to Follow Christ
2013-14 International Language School 114. Students enrolled 35 2013-14 International Language School 114 Students enrolled 35 Countries represented 26 Volunteer Teachers & Helpers 3 School locations: Sage Avenue BC, Tillman’s Corner BC, Airport Blvd BC, Burma Eritrea Mongolia Sweden Burundi Haiti Nepal Syria China Honduras Nicaragua Tanzania Columbia Iran Peru Thailand Congo Iraq Puerto Rico Venezuela Cuba Japan Russia Vietnam Ecuador Kazakhstan Senegal Egypt Moldova Somalia El Salvador Mexico Sudan
MBA International Churches and Works Arabic group (Dauphin Way BC) Cambodian group (St. Elmo BC) Hope of the Nations Church (FBC North Mobile) International Baptist Church Laos Baptist Church New Life Vietnamese Mission (Gov’t Street BC) Russian group (Dauphin Way BC) Sage Avenue Hispanic Group (Sage Avenue BC) Vietnamese Obedience Baptist Church
Muslims in Mobile, AL. 6. Mosques 800 Muslims in Mobile, AL. 6 Mosques 800 Estimated Muslims live in Mobile Country