AP Drawing Livoti 10-5 to 10-7
Wed 10-5 Aim: How can you create a reference for your Trapped project? Do Now: Compare and contrast the two images. HW: Concentration 1/Breadth 4 (newspaper) resubmission due Oct.13 Next open studio Wed Oct 19th- Bring a costume! Conc. #2 Due Oct 21 Breadth 5 *trapped due Tues Oct 25
image by Alex Gross
image by Alex Gross
image by Alex Gross
Thurs 10-6 Aim: How can you begin drawing your “Trapped” portrait? Do Now: Compare and contrast the two images. HW: Concentration 1/Breadth 4 (newspaper) resubmission due Oct.13 Next open studio Wed Oct 19th- Bring a costume! Conc. #2 Due Oct 21 Breadth 5 *trapped due Tues Oct 25 Do Now: Determine if proportion is important in your project or if you’re intentionally distorting your portrait- explain why.
Friday 10-7 Aim: How can you practice techniques associated with your chosen medium? Do Now: What media are you interpretting your «trapped » project with? What techniques can you use to transform your media? HW: Concentration 1/Breadth 4 (newspaper) resubmission due Oct.13 Next open studio Wed Oct 19th- Bring a costume! Conc. #2 Due Oct 21 Breadth 5 *trapped due Tues Oct 25
Refresh your memory! Acrylic painting- work background, large areas of similar color first. Do NOT paint small details first. For this project: Directly mix colors needed. Do not underpaint- too time consuming. Work densely by applying your paint in layers and making sure the white of the canvas doesn’t come through. If blending colors- plan to make 3 colors that transition into each other. Dry brush to stamp and blend in between colors. Brushstrokes are ok! Colored pencil: DON’T rush into burnishing. You will end up with a solid, heavy, one color shape. Work in layers. Shadows first. Under colors first (complements, darker colors). Overlay color and burnish with the lightest possible color. Don’t burnish! Color with lines or marks in a new way. Watercolor- similar to colored pencil. Shadows first. Let it dry! Backgrounds first! Anything that is to be a WHITE highlight, keep it the white of the paper. Stretch your paper with masking tape on a board first. Chalk Pastel- backgrounds first. Draw shapes of color. Only blend between color when needed. Layer dark color first and smudge/press into charcoal paper. Layer color over each other to create new color. Use pastel pencils to get more realistic details as you move into the features of the portrait. Don’t sketch with pencil very heavily no matter what color media you’re using. Remember we’re going for tenebrism/chiaroscuro. Choose a media that will allow for the most drama!