Welcome to ICP Jodie Molchany
Philosophy of the Course This course is designed to give students exposure to basic chemistry and physics concepts and to allow the students to make connections with the real world.
Course Objectives This course offers a unique approach to learning science through hands-on exploration and inquiry. Students will: develop scientific thinking skills collect and analyze data apply concepts learn cooperatively develop and defend their ideas
Classroom Expectations PRIDE PACT: Every class has created a PRIDE Pact outlining the agreed classroom expectations and behaviors. Students and teachers have signed the PRIDE Pact to signify ownership in our classroom community.
Text Our text is Active Physical Science by LeMay I do not send textbooks home (unless specifically requested. The textbooks are available to students during class. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51jRmZ2A1JL._SL500_AA300_.jpg
Motion (Newton’s Laws) Major Topics The Periodic Table Atomic Structure Bonding Reactions Gases Acids/Bases Force Motion (Newton’s Laws) We begin the year with chemistry topics.
Homework There is not a lot of homework for this class. Students will create graphic organizers, take very focused notes, and prepare other review materials to use as study aids for quizzes.
Quizzes There will be several quizzes for each unit. Quizzes are announced ahead of time and generally contain one, or two, topics.
Grading 100% Assignments Assessments Quizzes Projects Activities Labwork Homework
Aspen Parent Portal Student grades are available on-line through Aspen. Please access Aspen through www.hcpss.org to set up an account. Encourage your student to also set up and account and regularly view his/her grades.
Challenges There are no exams at the end of each chapter. Each chapter has Challenges, activities and quizzes. Challenges require students to create a product that demonstrates what he/she has learned.
Ways to Contact Me E-mail jodie_molchany@hcpss.org (please type your student’s name on the subject line) Web-site www.mrsmolchanyswebpage.yolasite.com