NAGY, Csongor István EU law Class 3 NAGY, Csongor István
History and purpose End of the II World War: only a European state may avert a third world-war Peace and prosperity Global competition Common market
Schengen area
Euro zone
Exclusive competences of the EU Customs union Competition law and policy (in respect of matters having an EU dimension) Monetary policy for the euro-zone Common fisheries policy Common commercial policy
History 1952: European Coal and Steel Community (merged into European Community in 2002 ) 1957: Euratom (European Atomic Energy Community) 1957: European Community (originally: European Economic Community) 1992: European Union (Treaty of Maastricht): creating a three pillar structure 2007 (2009): Treaty of Lisbon
Institutions European Commission: Nominated by the Member States, elected by the Parliament Represents the Community interest Council: Consists of the representatives of the Member States Represents the interests of the states European Parliament: Elected by the European citizens, directly Represents the European people
Ordinary legislative procedure
Institutions EU courts (General Court, European Court of Justice) Court of Auditors European Ombudsman
Source of EC law Primary sources: founding treaties and their amendments Secondary sources: regulations: general rules, direct application directives: aim defined, method/details left to the Member States decision: concrete addressees
The typical way to get to the European Court of Justice First step: law-suit before the court of the Member State concerned. Second step: the court realizes the existence of a Community law issue and decides to submit preliminary questions to Luxembourg – the submission is the power of the court and NOT the right of the parties. Third step: the questions are worded and submitted. Fourth step: the ECJ delibaretes the questions and answers them sending back a preliminary ruling. Fifth step: the Member State court decides, accordingly.
Preliminary ruling procedure Preliminary question Preliminary ruling European Court of Justice National court procedure