GEOGRAPHY ◄THE UK & GLOBALISATION► On a global scale: the world as a global village Faster, cheaper communication & transport - The transport revolution for goods & people - The communication revolution Free flows, no borders? - Open borders for goods - More complicated for people => An accelerated globalization - The International division of labour - The competition between global cities On a regional scale: the EU migrant crisis EU border policy - The Schengen area & Frontex Specific push & pull factors - The arc of crisis & the Welfare State => The 2015-2016 migrant crisis - Migrant routes/pathways to EU & UK - Asylum seekers & refugees World market National territories TNC GHQ Investment flows Other flows (information, employees, raw materials, components, manufactured goods) TNCs, the main drive of globalisation Europe, a Haven. "The New Europeans", National Geographic, October 2016 The “Jungle” camp in Calais, Philippe Huguen, AFP/ Getty Images, iNews, 30 August 2016.
GEOGRAPHY ◄THE UK & GLOBALISATION► On a national scale : the UK & international migration Specific pull factors - The Commonwealth Strict border policy - The Le Touquet agreement Selective immigration policy The 2003 & 2004 legislation => UK immigrants’ profile - The brain drain, remittances ; circular, re-emigration A specificity: British emigration tradition - A worldwide diaspora, new amenity/lifestyle migration From local to global: London a global city The assets of an attractive city Multipolar command functions, a connected multimodal hub => attracts flows & multicultural city · A city challenged by major issues - The socio-economic divide & the environmental challenge => The answer: urban planning - The conflicting aims of rebranding - The debates about urban regeneration & London’s image Net migration flows, The Migration Observatory, Oxford University, 13/4/15 ‘Red’ Ken LIVINGSTONE 2000-2008 (Labour) ‘Mad’ Boris JOHNSON 2008-2016 (Tory) Sadiq KHAN 2016-2020 (Labour)