Definition of noun Noun is a part of speech that identifies a person, thing, place, and animals and ideas. Ex 1) Rama 2) Table 3) Bangalore 4)Tiger
There are four types of noun. 1) Proper noun 2) Common noun 3) Collective noun 4) Abstract noun
Definition of Proper Noun Proper noun is always begins with capital letters. Ex1) India is our country. 2) Geeta is my sister. 3) Renuka is my friend.
Definition of Common Noun Common nouns are always begins with small letters, and common nouns are the opposite of proper nouns. Ex 1) Rama is a boy. 2) Pooja is my friend. 3) Rani was my classmate.
Definition of collective Noun Collective noun is a noun , that refers to a group of individuals. Collective noun can be replaced by both singular and plural pronouns, depending on their meaning. EX: 1) A bunch of keys. 2) A flock of birds. 3) A troop of monkeys. 4) A army of ants.
DEFINITION OF ABSRACT NOUN An abstract noun, names a quality or an idea, abstract nouns are nouns that name abstract concepts, or concepts that cannot be experienced with the senses.