Study Fossil Record DRW Friday, June 22, 2018 Objective: YWBAT contrast uniformitarianism with catastrophism. Drill: What is an index fossil? Homework Study Fossil Record DRW Budburst tomorrow
Answer An index fossil of an organism that lived during a relatively short, well-defined time span. A fossil that is used to date the rock layers which it is found.
Did you know…? If the history of Earth was the length of one calendar year, the date of the arrival of modern humans would be; December 31, at 7:40pm.
Today’s Activities Drill Review DRW How DO you stack up? Conclusion
Would a shark tooth make a good index fossil? Why or why not? Closure Would a shark tooth make a good index fossil? Why or why not?
Conclusion Answer A shark tooth would not make a good index fossil because sharks have existed for more than 200 million years; index fossils are useful because they existed for a short period of time.