The War of Sierra Leone By: Caysi Simpson
The two sides: Rebels: Army:
Facts on the War in Sierra Leone: In March of 1991, former corporal Foday Sankoh created a group of guerillas called the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) . They were created to rebel against the Sierra Leone government. By 1996, nearly 15,000 people (most innocent) had died. In 1999, after many other failed attempts, President Kabbah and Sankoh sign a Lome Peace Treaty agreement. This gives Sankoh some control in the government. In May of 2000, members of the RUF murder dozens of protestors who were against Sankoh. Sankoh and his members are removed of their government posts. Sankoh is put on trial in March 2002. Foday Sankoh dies of a stroke in July of 2003 while awaiting his trial. The chief prosecutor said that Sankoh’s death granted him, “a peaceful death that he denied so many others.”
The RUF’s Actions: - The RUF would start houses on fire WHILE people were inside the house, and laugh as the people burned to death. -The RUF would force young boys to shoot their own mother. -They would rape the teenage girls. -They forced boys to have intercourse with their mother. -They would make fathers watch as they murdered his family. They would not bury them, only steal their food and belongings.
Sankoh ruined all so many lives emotionally, mentally, and physically Sankoh ruined all so many lives emotionally, mentally, and physically. The war in Sierra Leone ruined the lives of helpless and innocent people. 50,00 (+) people died.