Converted photons efficiency


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Presentation transcript:

Converted photons efficiency Edwige LAPP 18/12/2014

Introduction The fraction of reconstructed converted photons depends on The detector material The reconstruction efficiency In this study: focus on conversions from Downstream tracks Downstream tracking Depends on Velo tracks multiplicity LHCb-INT2013-051: Reconstruction efficiency of DD K0s mesons (P.Owen, T.Blake) Tracking meeting 6/11/2014: Data driven reconstruction efficiency of K0S (Eluned Smith) Material description: LHCb-INT-2014-012: Study of VELO material description with hadronic interactions LHCb note 2007-025: Estimation of the material budget of the LHCb detector (M.Needham, T. Ruf) Problem of SPD multiplicity: are the secondary interactions not well modeled?

Downstream tracking LHCb-INT2013-051 : Ratio of DD/LL Ks depends on nVELO tracks: Due to Dwonstream tracks wrongly upgraded to Long Downstream efficiency measured with KS with reweighting according to nVeloTracks  Data/MC~0.95 (raw) – Data/MC=1 (with reweighting) !! KS vertexing is responsible for most of Data/MC disagreement !!

K0S reconstruction efficiency Tracking meeting 6/11/2014: Data driven reconstruction efficiency of K0S (Eluned Smith) 10<P<20, 2.0<  <3.2 20<P<40, 3.2<  <5.0 0.7

Material before magnet LHCb note 2007-025: Uses DC06 description Material up to z=930cm

Principle of the measurement Measure the ratio of number ee to the number of CALO  measure of conversion probability x reconstruction efficiency as a function of pT and  (pT,)=N(ee )/N(CALO) Compare data to MC using minimum bias events – 2011 data MC: Event type 300000000 - Sim08c – Reco 14 stripping20r1 Data: Reco14 stripping 20r1 Trigger: Hlt1L0AnyRateLimitedDecision and use only L0DiMuon,L0Muon trigger and L0Hadron to avoid bias from CALO clusters (trigger independant of our signal)

Selection All: acceptance cuts 2.25<  <4.5 Remove inner and outer edges for cleaner sample: (abs(gamma_PX/gamma_PZ)>0.03 || abs(gamma_PY/gamma_PZ)>0.025) && abs(gamma_PX/gamma_PE)<0.29 && abs(gamma_PY/gamma_PE)<0.24 Remove plane y=0 and outer edge to remove electron background: abs(gamma_PY/gamma_PE)>0.02 && abs(gamma_PY/gamma_PE)<0.2 && abs(gamma_PX/gamma_PE)<0.2 Conversions: Use here only Downstream pairs Standard ee reconstruction and selection combDLLe>0, gamma_IPCHI2_OWNPV<200, Mee<100MeV/c and Mee-0.04*ENDVERTEX_Z<20 mm CALO photons: isNotH>0.3 (no cut on isNotE as bad agreement data/MC) No / separation: most photons come from pi0 so better keep also merged pi0s + better efficiency

Efficiencies: CALO Efficiency of isNotH cut Background fraction Electrons others 5% 3% pT pT isNotH cut distribution isNotH: data less peaked at 0 and 1 Matching region ~0.4 =>Photon inneficiency underestimated by ~20% Seems to be ~10% less background in data but tail might be different Data MC MC: true gamma

Efficiencies: ee Efficiency of cut Mee-0.04*ENDVERTEX_Z<20 mm measured using c sample: MC: 2.0+/-0.5 % for all pT Data: 600<pT<3000 : 2.3+/-0.5%

pT distributions Data vs MC: harder photons in data pT ee pT CALO Resolution: does not affect the distribution for ee but does for CALO  better do some unfolding pT ee - Data - MC pT CALO - Data - MC pT ee - MC true pT - MC rec pT pT CALO - MC true pT - MC rec pT

Unfolding pT CALO true pT CALO +MC rec unfolded + MC rec raw - MC true CALO +data unfolded - Data rec raw rec pT

 distributions Example for 1300<pT<1700  ee  CALO - Data - MC  ee - Data - MC Material budget for z<930cm from DC06 N(ee)/N(CALO) - Data - MC

 distributions Example for 1700<pT<2300  CALO - Data - MC  ee - Data - MC N(ee)/N(CALO) - Data - MC Material budget for z<930cm from DC06

Efficiency results: (pT,)=N(ee )/N(CALO) For nVeloTracks <60 and nSPDHits<600 2.25 <  < 2.5 2.5 <  < 2.75 MC Data 2.75 <  < 3.0 3.0 <  < 3.25

3.25 <  < 3.5 3.5 <  < 3.75 3.75 <  < 4.0 4.0 <  < 4.25

Ratio Data/MC 2.25 <  < 2.5 2.5 <  < 2.75 2.75 <  < 3.0 3.25 <  < 3.5 3.5 <  < 3.75 3.0 <  < 3.25

Ratio Data/MC 3.75 <  < 4.0 4.25 <  < 4.5 4.0 <  < 4.25

Dependance with nVeloTracks 3.0 <  < 3.25 80<nVeloTracks<160 nVeloTracks<80

Summary To do: Corrections for efficiency selection Background subtraction Improve unfolding to recover true pT distribution Study dependance of results with multiplicities (nVeloTracks, nSPDHits) Preliminary results: Data/MC ~0.9 at low and high   consistent with Downstream tracking efficiency ~0.95 Data/MC ~0.82 for 3.0 <  < 3.75  lack of material in MC in this region?