St. George and St. Teresa Catholic Primary School Year 4 Parents’ Meeting 5th September 2016
Timetable 4SM 4LE Maths Corporate Worship English Lunch Tuesday Guitar Wednesday Games Wednesday French Thursday Science and French Thursday Science and Games
Curriculum Map R.E. Creation and the Story from Abraham to Joseph Jesus Teaches Us How To Pray Advent Christmas Jesus Light of the World and Beloved Son Old Testament: Moses – King David Lent Holy Week Easter Play Easter Pentecost Sharing in the life of Christ Special roles and responsibilities History Romans Ancient Greeks Geography Volcanoes and Earthquakes Locality and change – Dorridge to Birmingham P.E. Co-ordination Balance Agility (Dance and Gymnastics) (Handball/Basketball Football/Kick it Cricket Hockey) (Athletics/Cricket) Science Environment States of Matter Classification Electricity Digestion Sound
Reading Please ensure your child reads for at least 15mins per day and regularly discusses the content of their reading with you. This should be recorded in your child’s Reading Passport. Reading books and Reading Passports should be kept in your child’s bag and brought into school every day. There will be time every other day to change the reading books, this is the child’s responsibility.
Equipment Home School Diary (Please keep in a folder) Your child will be provided with a long ruler, a dictionary, one pencil, one green pen, one rubber and a handwriting pen. It would be useful for your child to have a small pencil case with their own sharpener, handwriting pen, spare pen, pencil crayons, highlighters, glue stick and short ruler. Art shirt (Old shirt/ top/ apron) (labelled) Reading Passport Reading book PE kit
P.E. Kit Games Kit: Rugby top Dark blue shorts Blue long socks Tracksuit (Optional) Trainers (Outdoor), Pumps (Indoor) P.E. Kit: White top Royal blue shorts White socks
Snacks Children in KS2 are invited to bring a healthy snack for morning break if they wish. Please ensure that your child has a water bottle in school every day. Water only for drinking – in a bottle with a sealable top.
Home School Diary Homework requirements should be recorded in the correct date Write a short note in your child’s Home School Diary if you need to contact us (Please ensure your child informs their teacher) For subject guidance on English and Maths please refer to relevant section in the Diary
Maths Autumn: Number and place value Addition & Subtraction Multiplication & Division Measurement Fractions Geometry Statistics
English Autumn: Spring: Summer: Aesop’s Fables Poetry – Creatures great and small Spring: Non-Fiction – Advertising/persuasive writing Mixed Genre – Modern fiction (Eye Of The Wolf) Summer: Myths Multi-Genre – Historical Fiction
Homework Monday Maths (for Wednesday) Wednesday Other Thursday Science (for Monday) Friday English (for Monday) Spellings (for Friday)
Autumn Trips Chedworth Roman Villa Olton Synagogue