The Vietnam War
I. Background A. Vietnam was a colony of the French. Ho Chi Minh led an independence movement to overthrow the French. After the Battle of Dien Bien Phu, Vietnam was independent. B. In 1954, The Geneva Conference divided Vietnam into separate countries at the 17th parallel
II. A divided Vietnam Ho Chi Minh was the leader of communist North Vietnam Eisenhower appointed Ngo Dinh Diem to lead South Vietnam. C. The “Viet Cong” were communist rebels in South Vietnam opposed to the corrupt, anti-Buddhist, U.S. supported leader Diem who wanted to unite Vietnam
III. Kennedy & vietnam Kennedy – sent 5,000 military advisors to help Diem suppress the Viet Cong. Buddhists protested Diem, and Kennedy authorized the overthrow of Diem. 3 weeks later, JFK was assassinated
iV. The war escalates - LBJ A. President Johnson signs the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (1964) U.S. destroyers attacked by North Vietnamese torpedo boats Gulf of Tonkin Resolution – Congress authorizes Johnson to use military forces (but did not declare war!! B. Johnson quickly escalates war in Vietnam. U.S. began bombing North Vietnam and sent 500,000 ground troops to fight the Viet Cong alongside the South Vietnamese army in South Vietnam
V. War Difficulties Marshes and Jungle environment Guerrilla warfare from the Viet Cong
VI. Media Coverage The Vietnam War was the first televised war. Walter Cronkite broadcasted from Vietnam Americans could see the war first-hand
VII. The Tet Offensive - 1968 Agreed armistice for New Years celebration Surprise ambush from the North While America suppressed the North and technically won, the Tet Offensive caused psychological defeat. The Tet Offensive on TV
VIII. 1968 Election Vietnam War protests were led by the counterculture, and LBJ had lost support for the Vietnam War. After the Tet Offensive, President LBJ decided to not run for reelection. Robert Kennedy ran as the Democrat candidate in 1968, but was assassinated before the election. 1968 DNC
CREATE A political POSTER *Individually, create a political cartoon, protest poster, or propaganda poster with images. *Focus on one or two topics on the Vietnam War, and either protest or support the war. Some topics to think about: -Tet Offensive -The Draft -Media -Vietnamization -Gulf of Tonkin -Diem Overthrow
ix. Peace with honor War not “winnable” so troops should be withdrawn without damaging the U.S. reputation. Strategies Diplomacy: No more bombing Vietnamization: South Vietnam would gradually take over the war as American troops left. Destroy communist bases in neighboring Cambodia & Laos (secretly bombed)
x. Increased protest My Lai Massacre – suspecting the village was a Viet Cong stronghold, U.S. soldiers kill 500 Vietnamese women, children, and old men. US Military was criticized heavily. Antiwar demonstrations increased on city streets and college campuses dividing the nations
x. Increased protest Kent State University shootings – However, in 1970, it was revealed that Nixon ordered secret bombings in Cambodia and Laos to erupt the Ho Chi Minh Trails. This created an uproar of protests, including one at Kent State in 1970. The National Guard opened fire during a protest killing 4 students Pentagon Papers – the NY Times published gov’t reports proving that the gov’t deceived the public about the war
Xi. American Involvement ends Paris Peace Accords of 1972 Signed by the U.S., South Vietnam, North Vietnam, and the Viet Cong Established a cease fire, kept the dividing line at the 17th parallel, full withdrawal of U.S. troops, and release of all U.S. prisoners of war All US troops were out of Vietnam by 1973.
The Fall of Saigon-Ho Chi Minh city Aftermath: South Vietnam fell to communist North Vietnam in 1975 South Vietnamese sent to “reeducation camps” – hard labor Over one million Vietnamese refugees came to the United States.
XII. 26th Amendment The Vietnam War was fought mainly by drafted men. You could be drafted at 18, but could not vote until you were 21. The 26th Amendment changed the voting age from 21 to 18 in 1971.