Nikos Hadjisavvas Managing Authority IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme “Greece – the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2014 – 2020” Nikos Hadjisavvas Managing Authority
IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme “Greece – the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2014 – 2020” Lessons Learnt from the 2007-2013 Programme Period The IPA CBC Programme 2014-2020 Programme Timeline INTERVENTION LOGIC IMPLEMENTING MODALITIES 2
Lessons Learnt from the 2007-2013 Programme Period Programme Constraints Economic crisis affected the Programme Area from 2010 onwards Effect augmented due to limited Programme Budget in certain areas Limited ‘Ownership’ - rather weak management capacity of beneficiaries - often the bulk of the project activities are ‘outsourced’ >> experience / lessons not retained within the organisation INTERVENTION LOGIC IMPLEMENTING MODALITIES 3
Lessons Learnt from the 2007-2013 Programme Period Programme Challenges Rigid Regulatory Framework Different Financial rules across the border, result in: Different contracting procedures & contracting dates > Asymmetry in project implementation schedule Sustainability often lack of continuity due to ‘ internal politics’ or change of relevant policy hard to secure follow-up funding INTERVENTION LOGIC IMPLEMENTING MODALITIES 4
Lessons Learnt from the 2007-2013 Programme Period Programme results Actions and results in line with the objectives and goals of the Programme; Projects contribute to further economic and social development in the cross-border regions; Observed added value of the Programme to the cross-border area. Despite above constraints and challenges, following results can be demonstrated
Programme results (cont.) Lessons Learnt from the 2007-2013 Programme Period Programme results (cont.) Increased awareness about functioning of EU funding and EU rules with partners; >> positive effect on Capacity of Partners Improved communication and better understanding between the people in the cross-border regions Establishment of partnerships and Networks leading to long-term cooperation and cohesion of the cross border region At a more qualitative level, we have identified
The IPA CBC Programme 2014-2020 Framework for the development of the new CP Legal Basis - EU and National Legislation - IPA II Regulations (adopted in 2014) Evaluation of the 2007-2013 Programme Public Consultation Ex-ante Evaluation of the new CP Strategic Environmental Assessment Joint Task Force - members: Programme Structures - Programme drafters INTERVENTION LOGIC IMPLEMENTING MODALITIES 7
Creates logical links between the following elements: The IPA CBC Programme 2014-2020 Intervention logic Creates logical links between the following elements: Analysis of development needs and challenges (Consultation, SEA) Analysis of past experience (Evaluation) The strategic approach to maximise impact and effectiveness of Programme (Ex-ante Evaluation) the selection of thematic priorities to be supported (Ex-ante Evaluation) identification of the funding priorities (Ex-ante Evaluation) One key element of the new Prg. Is the prog’s intervention logic 8
IPA II Thematic Priorities (Annex III of R. 231/2014) Four out of Eight Thematic Priorities selected: promoting employment, labour mobility and social and cultural inclusion across borders protecting the environment and promoting climate change adaptation and mitigation, risk prevention and management promoting sustainable transport and improving public infrastructures encouraging tourism and cultural and natural heritage Intervention Logic deals with the Prog Structure, Starting from the TPs Based on results of PC, 4/8 selected Maximum no. of TPs selected to cover widest scope & 04
Justification for the selection of Thematic Priorities (1/4) a. promoting employment, labour mobility and social and cultural inclusion across borders through, inter alia: integrating cross-border labour markets, including cross-border mobility; joint local employment initiatives; information and advisory services and joint training; gender equality; equal opportunities; integration of immigrants' communities and vulnerable groups; investment in public employment services; and supporting investment in public health and social services; Trend: Rising population in smaller urban centers in the cross border zone as a result of the economic crisis (migration from big cities) Problem: Very high rates of unemployment and especially of youth unemployment and long term unemployment Capitalise: Positive results on co-operation between partner countries organizations Observed trend Stems from problem Important: positive cooperation exists 04 The IPA CBC Programme 2014-2020
Justification for the selection of Thematic Priorities (2/4) Protecting the environment and promoting climate change adaptation and mitigation, risk prevention and management through, inter alia: joint actions for environmental protection; promoting sustainable use of natural resources, resource efficiency, renewable energy sources and the shift towards a safe and sustainable low-carbon economy; promoting investment to address specific risks, ensuring disaster resilience and developing disaster management systems and emergency preparedness Excellent field for Cooperation: Joint management / Joint actions Common Assets (mountains, rivers) Cross-border risks (i.e. forest fires, floods) Threats: Protected areas, ecosystems and biodiversity in the eligible area are threatened / neglected Capitalise: Positive results on co-operation between partner countries organizations (Both networks and projects) Common assets: mountains, rivers Joint management Joint actions to address cross-border risks (i.e.floods, forest fires) 04 Drafting of the OP 2014-2020
Justification for the selection of Thematic Priorities (3/4) c. Promoting sustainable transport and improving public infrastructure by, inter alia, reducing isolation through improved access to transport, information and communication networks and services and investing in cross-border water, waste and energy systems and facilities Excellent field for Cooperation: Joint management / Joint actions to facilitate accessibility ‘Integration’ of Cross-border area Threats: Insufficient solid and liquid waste management recycling and reuse. Capitalise: Existing transport infrastructure: crossroads of Corridor X (E75) and Egnatia Highway (E90) with frequent flows between the neighboring countries Common assets: mountains, rivers Joint management Joint actions to address cross-border risks (i.e.floods, forest fires) 04 Drafting of the OP 2014-2020
Justification for the selection of Thematic Priorities (4/4) Encouraging tourism and cultural and natural heritage Strength: Potential synergies between tourism / employment / natural heritage Challenge: Reverse low awareness of attractions of the Cross border area Capitalise: Large flows of people, strong bonds between partner countries Common assets: mountains, rivers Joint management Joint actions to address cross-border risks (i.e.floods, forest fires) 04 Drafting of the OP 2014-2020
04 Thematic Priorities are analysed in SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES Common assets: mountains, rivers Joint management Joint actions to address cross-border risks (i.e.floods, forest fires) 04 Drafting of the OP 2014-2020
Thematic Priority A: Promoting employment, labour mobility and social and cultural inclusion across borders through, inter alia: integrating cross-border labour markets, including cross-border mobility; joint local employment initiatives; information and advisory services and joint training; gender equality; equal opportunities; integration of immigrants' communities and vulnerable groups; investment in public employment services; and supporting investment in public health and social services Specific Objective 1.1: Create employment opportunities for educated graduates by exploiting comparative advantages of the cross border area, preferably with the use of innovative tools and practices Specific Objective 1.2: Improvement of preventive health care and social services of early childhood and elderly population
Thematic Priority D: Encouraging tourism and cultural and natural heritage Specific Objective 1.3: Improve the attractiveness and promote tourism in the cross-border area by promoting and capitalizing natural and cultural assets
Thematic Priority C: Promoting sustainable transport and improving public infrastructure by, inter alia, reducing isolation through improved access to transport, information and communication networks and services and investing in cross-border water, waste and energy systems and facilities Specific Objective 2.1: Upgrade public infrastructure to improve road travel time, border crossing, safety and security Specific Objective 2.2: Sustainable management and recycling of bio-wastes
Thematic Priority B: Protecting the environment and promoting climate change adaptation and mitigation, risk prevention and management through, inter alia: joint actions for environmental protection; promoting sustainable use of natural resources, resource efficiency, renewable energy sources and the shift towards a safe and sustainable low-carbon economy; promoting investment to address specific risks, ensuring disaster resilience and developing disaster management Specific Objective 2.3: Sustainable management of protected areas, ecosystems and biodiversity Specific Objective 2.4: Prevention, mitigation and management of natural disasters, risks and hazards
04 Thematic Priorities and Specific Objectives are integrated in PRIORITY AXES Common assets: mountains, rivers Joint management Joint actions to address cross-border risks (i.e.floods, forest fires) 04 Drafting of the OP 2014-2020
Thematic Priority A Thematic Priority D Thematic Priority C Priority Axis 1: Development and Support of Local Economy Priority Axis 2: Protection of Environment - Transportation Thematic Priority B Thematic Priority A Thematic Priority D Thematic Priority C Specific Objective 1.1 Specific Objective 1.3 Specific Objective 2.1 Specific Objective 2.3 Specific Objective 1.2 Specific Objective 2.2 Specific Objective 2.4
Priority axis 1 axis 2 Programme Budget EU (85%) National(15%) Total EU (85%) National(15%) Total Proportion to the CP Priority axis 1 1.Development and Support of Local Economy 15.459.821 2.728.207 18.188.028 40% Τhematic Priority a Specific Objectives 1.1 + 1.2 9.662.387 1.705.128 11.367.515 25% Priority d Specific Objective 1.3 5.797.434 1.023.079 6.820.513 15% axis 2 2. Protection of Environment – Transportation 19.324.776 3.410.256 22.735.032 50% Priority c 2.1 + 2.2 11.594.866 2.046.154 13.641.020 30% Priority b 2.3 + 2.4 7.729.910 1.364.102 9.094.012 20% axis 3 3.Technical Assistance 3.864.955 682.051 4.547.006 10% 38.649.552 6.820.514 45.470.066 Integrated fin table, significant improvement from current period Programme Budget
Implementing Modalities Joint Management Joint bodies (JMC, JTS, JSC) Joint Projects (partners from both countries) Increased Cooperation (Joint Development, Staffing, Implementation, Financing) Focus: Cross-border Area Added value to the people of the Programme area Increase the capacity of the partners of the Programme area
Programme Timeline September 2014 Submission of Programme to EC for approval March 2015 – May 2015 Programme revised, following EC comments 12 May 2015 Programme resubmitted 30 June 2015 Meeting of the IPA Committee July 2015 Expected Programme Approval End of 2015 1st Call for Proposals INTERVENTION LOGIC IMPLEMENTING MODALITIES