Joyce Sneddon MA(Dist), MCMI, MMICS Rheolwraig Datblygu Busnes Business Development Manager Gwella Busnes - Newid Bywydau IMPROVING BUSINESS – CHANGING LIVES
CEFNDIR BACKGROUND Prosiect gwerth £7.5miliwn sy’n cael ei ariannu gan Ewrop er mwyn uwchsgilio’r gweithlu Darparu hyfforddiant ar Lefel 1-3 Prosiect bartneriaeth dan arweiniad Coleg Llandrillo Cael ei ariannu gan CGE drwy Raglen Gydgyfeirio (£4.3m) £7.5 million European funded project to upskill the workforce Delivering training at Levels 1-3 A partnership project led by Coleg Llandrillo Part financed by ESF through the Convergence Programme (£4.3m)
CEFNDIR BACKGROUND Wedi ei gymeradwyo o fis Chwefror 2011 tan mis Ionawr 2014 Drwy bedwar partner: Coleg Llandrillo Coleg Menai Coleg Glannau Dyfrdwy CAG Coleg Harlech Approved in February 2011 until January 2014 Through four partners: Coleg Llandrillo Coleg Menai Deeside College Coleg Harlech WEA
PWY ALLAI FANTEISIO OHONO? WHO CAN BENEFIT? Cwmnïau Sector Preifat – bach a mawr Masnachwyr unigol, cwmnïau, cyfyngedig, elusennau Rhaid i gwmnïau fod wedi eu lleoli mewn ardaloedd cydgyfeirio yn Ynys Môn, Conwy, Sir Ddinbych a Gwynedd Private Sector Companies – large and small Sole traders, limited company, charities Companies must be located in the convergence areas of Anglesey, Conwy, Denbighshire and Gwynedd
YMRWYMIAD CYFLOGWYR EMPLOYER ENGAGEMENT Trafodaeth barhaus gyda Chynghorau Sector Sgiliau Grwpiau ffocws Coleg i’r cyflogwyr Gweithio drwy rhwydweithiau mewn bodolaeth h.y Cynghorwyr Datblygu Adnoddau Dynol/asiantaethau busnes ayb Trafodaeth anffurfiol gyda busnesau unigol Cyflwyniadau i Glybiau Busnes Rhwydwaith mewnol e.e Grwpiau cyflogwyr y Colegau, swyddi datblygu busnes Ongoing consultation with Sector Skills Councils College Employer Focus Groups Working through existing networks e.g HRD Advisors/ business agencies etc Informal dialogue with individual businesses Presentations to Business Clubs Internal infrastructure e.g College Focus Groups, employer liaison officers
CYSYLLIADAU LINKAGES Cysylltiadau i flaenoriaethau Rhaglen Adnewyddu’r Economi, gan gynnwys Ynni a’r Amgylchedd, Diwydiannau Creadigol, TGCh Ffocws ar sectorau pwysig i’r rhanbarth e.e Twristiaeth, Gofal a Manwerthu Yn gysylltiedig i strategaethau cymhwyster Cynghorau Sector Sgiliau Synergedd gyda phrosiectau eraill e.e Prosiect Sgiliau Sylfaenol Links to Economic Renewal Priorities including Energy & environment, Creative Industries, ICT Focus on those sectors of importance to the region e.g Tourism, Care and Retail Linked to Sector Skills Councils qualification strategies Synergy with other European funded projects e.g Basic Skills Project
CYNNWYS Y PROSIECT PROJECT CONTENT Dadansoddiad Cychwynnol o Anghenion Hyfforddiant Cymhwyster galwedigaethol a generig Cyrsiau byr ac NVQs Cymorth i ddatblygu strategaethau cydraddoldeb ac amrywiaeth Cyngor a chymorth ar gynaliadwyedd a chodau ECO Initial Training Needs Analysis Vocational and generic qualifications Short Courses and NVQs Assistance to develop equality and diversity strategies Advice and support on sustainability and ECO codes
CYNNWYS Y PROSIECT PROJECT CONTENT Cyrsiau byr megis Cymorth Cyntaf, TG, Rheolaeth, Ynni adnewyddadwy NVQs/Diploma – e.e. Manwerthu, Gofal plant, Rheoli Gwastraff, Datblygu Proffesiynol, er enghraifft Rhaglenni Cyflwyniad i’r Sector Gofalu Cyrsiau byr sy’n benodol alwedigaethol, e.e. Morwrol, Diwydiannau’r Tir, Niwcliar Short courses such as First Aid, I.T. Management, Renewables NVQs /Diplomas– e.g. Retail, Childcare, Waste Management, Professional Development for example Induction Programmes for the Care Sector Vocational specific short courses, e.g. Marine, Land based, Nuclear
MARCHNATA MARKETING Cyswllt Unigol Cyflwyniadau Hysbysebion Astudiaethau Achos Taflenni Post – dafliad Gwefannau Wythnos Lansio: Medi 19 – 26ain Individual Contact Presentations Adverts Case Studies Leaflets Direct Mail Shot Web Sites Launch Week: Sept 19 – 26th
TARGEDAU YN ERBYN PERFFORMIAD PERFORMANCE AGAINST TARGETS Cwmniau T:800 P:175 Gweithwyr T:5000 P:659 (275) Merched T: 66% P:49% 50+ T: 20% P23% Gweithwyr gyda chyflwr iechyd gyfyngol T:10% P:2.5% Cyfranogwyr DELl T:2% P:1% Companies T:800 P:187 Employees T:5000 P:693 (326) Females T:66% P:49% 50 + T:20% P:23% Workers with work limiting health conditions T:10% P:2.5% BME participants T:2% P: 1%
MANTEISION I GYFLOGWYR BENEFITS TO EMPLOYERS Fforddiadwy Hyblygrwydd Cyfle i dargedu gweithwyr heb lawer o sgiliau Hyfforddiant cludadwy, achrededig Cysylltu hyfforddiant i golau busnes Llai o drosiant staff Morâl staff yn uwch Affordability Flexibility Opportunity to target lower skilled workers Portable, accredited training Link training to business goals Lower staff turnover Higher staff morale
COSTAU COSTS Un taliad cofrestru o £50 i gael ei dalu gan y cyflogwr am bob gweithiwr Yn caniatáu mynediad i holl gyrsiau’r DYFODOL drwy’r holl bartneriaid dros y 3 mlynedd Darparu manylion am gyflogau gweithwyr fel rhan o gyfraniad arian cyfatebol i’r prosiect £50 one off registration fee paid by the employer per participating employee Allows access to all DYFODOL courses via all partners over the 3 years Provide details of employee wages as part of match funding contribution to the project
CAMAU NESAF NEXT STEPS Mynegi eich diddordeb drwy un o’r partneriaid Ymweliad gan Gynghorydd Hyfforddiant i gwblhau Dadansoddiad o Anghenion Hyfforddi Dewis cyrsiau a thalu’r ffi Llenwi a dychwelyd yr holl waith papur perthnasol Register initial interest via one of the partners Receive visit from a Training Advisor to complete Training Needs Analysis Select courses and pay the one off cash fee Complete and return all relevant paperwork
Coleg Menai 08445 460 460 Coleg Llandrillo Cymru 08454 50 59 60 Coleg Glannau Dyfrdwy Deeside College 01244 831 531 Coleg Harlech WEA(N) 01248 353 254