Advertising appeals and execution style : persuasion technique Diyah Ayu Amalia Avina
PERSUASIVE TECHNIQUE IN ADVERTISING The persuasive strategies used by advertisers who want you to buy their product can be divided into three categories LOGOS PATHOS ETHOS
LOGOS : an appeal to logic or reason. An advertisement using logos will give you the evidence and statistics you need to fully understand what the product does. The logos of an advertisement will be the "straight facts" about the product: One glass of Florida orange juice contains 75% of your daily Vitamin C needs.
PATHOS : An appeal to emotion Sometimes, it is a positive emotion such as happiness: an image of people enjoying themselves while drinking Pepsi. Other times, advertisers will use negative emotions such as pain: a person having back problems after buying the “wrong” mattress. Pathos can also include emotions such as fear and guilt: images of a starving child persuade you to send money.
ETHOS : an appeal to credibility or character. An advertisement using ethos will try to convince you that the company is more reliable, honest, and credible; therefore, you should “buy” its product. Ethos often involves statistics from reliable experts, such as : . a celebrity endorses a product to lend it more credibility nine out of ten dentists agree that Crest is the better than any other brand or Americas dieters choose Lean Cuisine
What is advertising appeals? Advertising appeal can be defined as a marketing technique that is aimed at influencing the way consumers view themselves and how buying certain products can prove to be beneficial for them
Advertising Appeals ? Advertising appeals are designed in a way so as to create a positive image of the individuals who use certain products. Advertising agencies and companies use different types of advertising appeals to influence the purchasing decisions of people. Ads appeal : membuat orang merasa memiliki image positif bila menggunakan produk tertentu
Advertising Appeals Advertising appeals aim to influence the way consumers view themselves and how buying certain products can prove to be beneficial for them. The message conveyed through advertising appeals influences the purchasing decisions of consumers. Advertising uses appeals as a way of persuading people to buy certain products. Advertising appeals are designed in a way so as to create a positive image of the individuals who use certain products. daya tarik periklanan merupakan pendekatan yang digunakan untuk menarik perhatian konsumen dan atau untuk mempengaruhi perasaan mereka terhadap produk, jasa atau ide. Daya tarik periklanan dapat juga disebut sesuatu yang menggerakkan seseorang menyatakan apa yangmereka perlu atau inginkan, dan meningkatkan ketertarikan mereka”
Basic idea of advertising appeals Emotional appeals Positive negative Rational appeals Combination / others The definition often overlap ; it’s not mutually exclusive
Transferring Ideas and emotions Ads focus on Transferring Ideas and emotions Glittering generalities
TRANSFERRING IDEAS AND EMOTIONS transferring ideas and emotions from one thing to another Ex: “Mint Fresh and get a breath of springtime” transferring ideas and emotions from one thing to another (simile or metaphor)
GLITTERING GENERALITIES usually one word is singled out, and it sounds appealing, but is difficult to define Ex: dignity, freedom, fame, integrity, justice, tasty, sensational
CREATIVE APPEALS EXECUTE the ADS Execution style Advertising appeals tertuang dalam execution style (gaya eksekusi kreatif) Gaya eksekusi kreatif merupakan cara daya tarik tertentu dimunculkan dalam pesan iklan yang disajikan pada konsumen CREATIVE APPEALS EXECUTE the ADS