Jalan Imbi Chapel A CELEBRATION of Freedom from “Leprosy” 16th April, 2017 The Condition of the Leper. Lev. 13:1-8, 15, 25, 27 The Cry of the Leper. Lev. 13:45, 46 The Clothes of the Leper. Lev. 13:45, 47-59 The Cleansing of the Leper. Lev. 14:1-9 The Consecration of the Leper. Lev. 14:10ff The Birds that Were Bloodied. Lev. 14:1-9
The Birds that were Bloodied – Lev. 14:1-9 THE LAW OF THE CLEANSING OF THE LEPERER Leviticus Ch. 14 Introduction: "There were two things which claimed the priest's vigilant care, viz. the purity of the assembly, and the grace which could not admit of the exclusion of any member save on the most clearly established grounds. Holiness could not establish any one to remain in who ought to be out; and on the other hand, grace would not have any one out who ought to be in." CHM
Leprosy is completely curable through a course of multi-drug therapy Leprosy facts https://www.lepra.org.uk/lepra-and-leprosy?gclid=CjwKEAjwwcjGBRDj-P7TwcinyBkSJADymblTx1EFkFZenSD9-e2Ra3hE0dnnaXIrt8ehl-uFqzFR7hoCfvLw_wcB Leprosy still exists - it affects between 200,000 - 250,000 more people each year. It is a bacterial disease which affects the nerves - causing loss of sensation and paralysis in limbs Leprosy is completely curable through a course of multi-drug therapy Treatment is free but many people are unaware it is available Experts believe there are 3 million undiagnosed leprosy cases in the world today An estimated 4 million people live with disabilities caused by leprosy Often people affected by leprosy experience discrimination and even violence The last Sunday in January marks World Leprosy Day .
A. THE CONCLUSION OF THE PRIEST. Lev. 13:1-8 1. After Examination of the Person. 13:1-3 "The priest shall look... and pronounce" (3) 2. After Experimentation with the Plague. 13:4-6 a. Shall shut him up...seven days. (4) b. Shall look on him the seventh day (5) c. Shall shut him up seven days more (5) d. Shall look...again (6) e. Shall pronounce him clean (6)
Genesis 18:20-21 (HCSB) Then the LORD said, “The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is immense, and their sin is extremely serious. I will go down to see if what they have done justifies the cry that has come up to Me. If not, I will find out.” Genesis 6:5 (KJV) And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 1. After Examination of the Person. 13:1-3 2. After Experimentation with the Plague. 13:4-6 3. After Exclusion of all Possibilities. 13:7, 8 a. Shall be seen of the priest again (7) b. Shall pronounce him unclean (8) THUS: i. The Thorough Investigation of God. } Gen. 6:5-7 ii. The Thorough Degradation of Man. } 18:20-33 iii. The Inevitable Conclusion of God. } Rom. 1:18-2:1
A. THE CONCLUSION OF THE PRIEST. Lev. 13:1-8 B A. THE CONCLUSION OF THE PRIEST. Lev. 13:1-8 B. THE CONDITION OF THE LEPER. Lev. 13:44-46 1. No Righteousness of his own. (45) His clothes shall be torn up - cf. Isa. 66:6; Gen. 3:9-13; ct. 3:21 2. No Rationalisation of his own. (45) His head bare. 3. No Resources of his own. (45) Unclean, unclean a. He cannot touch others – (46) b. He is defiled, unclean, alone, outside b. Other lepers cannot heal him. c. Other good ones cannot touch him.
4. No Residence among his own. (46) 1. No Righteousness of his own. (45) His clothes torn up 2. No Rationalisation of his own. (45) His head bare. 3. No Resources of his own. (45) Unclean 4. No Residence among his own. (46) a. He is Separated from God's Person. - dwell alone b. He is Segregated from God's People. - outside the camp
C. THE CONDESCENSION OF THE PRIEST. Lev. 14:4-8 C. THE CONDESCENSION OF THE PRIEST. Lev. 14:4-8 He goes out and does things for the leper. 1. His Active Role. The priest shall...." 14:2-7 a. The Priest does everything. b. The Leper does nothing. 2. His Atoning Role. 14:3-7 a. The Priest shall go forth out of the Camp. (3) - Christ's coming down from heaven to earth. Phil. 2:5-8 b. The Priest shall take the Sacrifice and dip it in Blood and Sprinkle it. (6,7) - Christ's Atoning Sacrifice. Heb. 9:22, 14, 15; 10:19-22
A. THE CONCLUSION OF THE PRIEST. Lev. 13:1-8 B A. THE CONCLUSION OF THE PRIEST. Lev. 13:1-8 B. THE CONDITION OF THE LEPER. Lev. 13:44-46 C. THE CONDESCENSION OF THE PRIEST. Lev. 14:4-8 1. His Active Role. The priest shall...." 14:3-7 2. His Atoning Role. a. The Priest shall go forth out of the Camp. (3) b. The Priest shall take the Sacrifice (6, 7) and dip it in Blood and Sprinkle it. c. The Priest shall Pronounce him Clean. (7, 8) i) It is Faith in the Priest's Word. ii) It is not Feelings in the Person's Ways
D. THE CONFESSION OF THE LEPER 1. The Acknowledgement of his Leprosy a. His Worthlessness. 13:8, 14, 15, 20, etc. b. His Willingness (to go for help). 14:2 2. The Acceptance of the Law. a. The Acceptance of Substitution - take for him 14:4 b. The Acceptance of the Sacrifice. 14:4 i. The two birds. One to be killed - Jesus' Death. One to be released - Jesus' Resurrection.
v. The Bloodied Bird Set Free – My Chains are Gone! The two birds. One to be killed - Jesus' Death. One to be released - Jesus' Resurrection. ii. The bird in the earthern vessel. Lev. 14:5 - Christ's Incarnation. Jn. 1:14; Phil. 2:8 iii. The cedar wood, scarlet and hyssop. 14:6,4 Cedar wood and hyssop - the two extremes of nature. I Kgs. 4:33 Scarlet - the colour of clay; the attractions of the earth. iv. The above and the living bird to be dipped in the blood of the slain bird over running water (= the Holy Spirit, Jn.7:38, 39). The atonement of Christ applied with the power of the Holy Spirit. (See also Lev. 14:17; Num. 19:9) v. The Bloodied Bird Set Free – My Chains are Gone!
Rumination 636 for the Remembrance of our Lord April 16, 2017 He Is Risen ......... He is not here: For He is risen .......... (Mt.28:6)
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