Explore Similar Solids Lesson 12.7 Explore Similar Solids
Objective Students will use properties of similar solids
Standard 11.0 – Students determine how changes in dimensions affect the perimeter, area, and volume of common geometric figures and solids. 8.0 – Students know, derive, and solve problems involving the perimeter, circumference, area, volume, lateral area, and surface area of common geometric figures.
Academic Language Similar Solids
Explain Why
Similar Solids Two solids of the same type with equal ratios of corresponding linear measures, such as heights or radii
Think/Pair/Share Think back to similar polygons we studied earlier this year. What was true about the ratios of side lengths and perimeters? Side length ratios and Area ratios? What do you predict with be the relationship between the ratio of the side lengths and volumes of similar polyhedra?
Things are just peachy!
Homework p.850 #1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 17, 19