Flipping Your Classroom: A first-time user’s perspective


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Presentation transcript:

Flipping Your Classroom: A first-time user’s perspective We will review why and when flipping is appropriate, techniques and software needed, and possible advantages and pitfalls in a PGCPS environment.

What is flipping? Do lecture outside of the classroom (on video) and use class time to do homework and interactive activities

Why flip? 1) allows more time for analytical activities in the classroom 2) allows time for more interactive activities 3) allows more time with students

Who am I? Teacher at Northwestern High. I first heard about flipping three years ago at a PUWT conference. It sounded revolutionary to me at the time. I knew it would involve a time commitment so I put it off until this year.

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Jason Bretzmann says: “We have school backwards. We’re sending kids home to do the hard stuff. We're sending them home to apply, analyze and synthesize content, and they can’t do it," said Bergmann. "Now when they come to class in a flipped classroom, the difficult tasks – application, analysis and synthesis – happens with the expert, the most important person, the teacher, present.” SOURCE: Reynolds, D. “Flipped classrooms provide a new way of learning,” CBS News, Jan. 14, 2014.

The new homework policy can actually be beneficial for teachers with flipped classrooms.

SOURCE: Project Tomorrow

My assumptions 1) You are not a technology geek, yet you are not scared of technology 2) Your classroom, like mine, consists of average students (and is not AP or honors). 3) You have many things to do in class and you have a packed curriculum 4) You do not have enough time. time.

Suggestion Flip with a class you know well. Do you have slide shows that you used in the past?

Aaron Sams: “Flipped Learning is a vast ocean that is ripe for exploration and navigation. “ “Although most seafarers would not use . . . early maps because of their limited scope, others would use the maps to conduct their own exploration and return with an even better map.” Source: Bretzmann, J. (2013). Flipping 2.0.New Berlin, Wis.:The Bretzmann Group, p. 1

Steps for Flipping your Class 1) Choose a posting platform 2) Record your videos 3) Make an accountability structure (such as formative assessment) 4) Make follow-up activities for the classroom

How to flip your classroom Step 1 - Choose an posting platform: OR

Next, choose a video recording platform 1) Camtasia 2) Screencast-O-Matic 3) Microsoft PowerPoint Ad On (There are many others).

What to look for: 1) easy recording 2) ability to pop in and out of presentations 3) ability to make mp4 videos 4) can it do a video within the video?

If your computer has a video camera and microphone, that is probably good enough. You can have limited access through most programs to test it out. You probably do NOT have to purchase a headset and video camera.

Making your video Record your slide show with your narration (as you would have presented it in class). Pop in and out of the video. Try to limit to 15 minutes. Post 1 to 3videos per week.

Don’t be a perfectionist Try to do it in one take. (Don’t waste time you don’t have). The more personal the better. Think homespun.

Don’t want to be a YouTube star? Download your videos as mp4 files and post them on your edmodo/classroom feeds.

3) Accountability We need to make sure that students are actually watching the videos.

Online quizzes Edmodo quizzes puts questions in random order Google forms allows downloading on spreadsheet

Making the online quizzes is the most time consuming aspect for me But since the computer scores my formative assessment (online quiz), I save grading time.

Embedding questions in video Advantages: Disadvantages:

Reteaching You can quickly analyze the results of your online quiz to see which points student missed and need to be retaught.

Notebook collection Collect notebooks regularly and grade them. You can see if students actually took notes on the video. I appear at the beginning of each video reminding them to have their notebook ready.

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Step 4 – Follow up in-class activity I have students do a warmup sheet based on the video. I make it fill-in-the-blank and short answer. Too much multiple choice is like too much candy.

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We’re up to 4 1) introduced in video 2) online quiz 3) next-day warmup activity 4) reteach activity in class

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Make DVDs for these students Print out paper versions of the online quizzes. Best MP4 to DVD programs cost money, but not a lot. Beware of free programs that do this.

Oddly, technology is not all that important in flipped learning, with the notable exception that a recording allows the student to view a lecture at the pace s/he wants.

New PGCPS retesting policy I allow students to do a retest after watching a review video that I make. . . Now, I have complied with the policy, given them reteaching without taking away class time.

Specifically, 1) Have students send an email to me saying that they want to take the retest. 2) I post on the class feed the review video. 3) Imbedded in the video is a “magic word” which I include on the retest.

Am I saving time

The real challenge of flipped classroom . . . is what to do with the time in your classroom that is now freed up.

sched.co/---- SESSION Evaluation 2 1 Go to Presenter: Mark Naydan pg. 17 sched.co/---- 2 1 Go to Presenter: Mark Naydan You can also direct the audience to page 17 in their program Title: Flipping your classroom: A first-time user’s perspective