Self Esteem is a way of thinking and feeling about yourself. What is Self-Esteem? Self Esteem is a way of thinking and feeling about yourself. What makes you special? VS 2016
Boosting My Self-Esteem Everybody feels bad about themselves sometimes. The purpose of this project is to help you discover some ways to improve the way you talk to yourself. If you can teach the voice in your head to tell you these ten things, you will feel better about yourself and you’ll probably be a lot happier, too.
Yes, I can! People are not all the same. Some people are better at some things than other people. That’s okay. You don’t have to be great all the time, but you’ll never learn to do something new without trying. Instead of thinking, “That’s too hard” tell yourself, “Yes, I can!”
I have choices. Sometimes teachers hear students say things like, “He made me do it.” You are the boss of you. You can try and do your best or you can not get started because it’s too hard or not fun. The choice is yours. Be a great boss. Tell yourself what to do; then do it.
My glass is half-full. Have you ever heard the saying “His glass is always half-empty”? It means that the person always looks at what he doesn’t have instead of appreciating what he does have. You can choose to have a positive attitude. Find the good in every situation and celebrate what’s right instead of feeling bad about what’s wrong.
I am unique. Sometimes we want to be like someone else. “I want to be as fast as Lisa or as smart as Bubba.” Or, “I want to be as funny as Max or as popular as Jean.” You will help boost your self-esteem if you change the I want message to “I want to be the best me I can be.” There is only one you. Celebrate that.
I can do it myself. It’s easy to tell ourselves that something is too hard to do. We can get in the habit of expecting friends or adults to do things for us instead of doing our best on our own. Don’t start with “I can’t.” Everyone has to start somewhere. Start with trying to do it yourself before you ask for help.
I can help others. One of the best ways to improve your self- esteem is to think of others first. You have a special talent, skill, or ability that you can give to another person. Even something as simple as smiling at someone or playing with a classmate who is being left out can make a big difference in their day. Want to feel good about yourself? Do something nice for someone else.
Tomorrow is another day. Sometimes we all have a bad day. When that happens, remember that every day is a new chance to change something. Don’t get stuck in the past. Decide that today is going to be better than yesterday, then make it happen.
We all make mistakes. It’s true. We all do or say something we wish we hadn’t. We all get the wrong answer sometimes. Give yourself permission to not be perfect. The best way to learn is by making mistakes and then trying it again another way.
I am good at something. Take time to celebrate something that you are good at. Maybe you’re patient with little kids, you’re a good reader, or animals like you. Maybe you are a good dancer or builder. Maybe you’re responsible, good at saving money, or know all of the Star Wars characters. Don’t think that your special talent doesn’t matter. Be proud of yourself for your unique gift.
I am loved. You are amazing. You are special. You are important. You are the best you I know. Don’t forget that. No matter how crummy you feel sometimes, you are exactly who you are supposed to be…. and that’s pretty wonderful.
Remind yourself: Yes, I can I have choices My glass is half-full I am unique I can do it myself I can help others Tomorrow is another day We all make mistakes I am good at something I am loved