Facet5 Audition Module Facilitator Date Year
Audition Module Audition is a leading-edge online assessment tool that enables informed and effective recruitment, talent identification and succession planning decisions. Audition allows organisations to agree the role elements that are essential for success prior to selection, ensuring best fit of a candidate to both role and organisation.
Recruitment & Selection Audition Module Recruitment & Selection Selection decisions are often made with a complex web of information The candidate’s prior achievements, competence, and technical knowledge all need to be assessed It is often a costly and time intensive exercise, with little consistency in approach While reference checks often add to the complexity without always adding value
The key to successful recruitment & selection Audition Module The key to successful recruitment & selection A robust selection process should streamline the way of determining the individual’s fit for the role, team and culture The process should also provide helpful information on how personal attributes help or hinder success once in the role, team and the organisation Performance depends not only on ‘competence’ but on ‘personality fit’.
Facet5 Audition enables organisations by: Audition Module Facet5 Audition enables organisations by: Reducing the time and cost to successfully fill roles, Informing talent identification and succession planning processes, Ensuring consistent recruitment and selection processes, Increasing retention through early, meaningful engagement Supporting the successful integration of new appointments
1 2 3 4 Audition Module Facet5 Audition Process Compare Integrate Define Select Define the role using: Empirical research Top performers Expert opinion Assess the person Facet5 Questionnaire Interview the person BEI Guide Facet5 Profile Integrate the person Facet5 Profile LeadingEdge SearchLight WorkPrefs Compare Comparison table Convergence chart
1 Defining the Ideal Candidate Define You can define the ideal candidate using three methods. Empirical Research : Used when an organisation may have detailed research indicating that people with a particular Audition Personal Profile is more likely to succeed Top Performers: Used when there may be known individuals (for whom there is Facet5 data) who possess the ideal attributes for success in the role Expert Judgment: This approach applies where there is a number of people who all know the behavioural requirements of the role
Role Definition Empirical Research Used when an organisation may have detailed research indicating that people with a particular Audition Personal Profile is more likely to succeed. A typical application would be high volume selection processes such as Call Centres. In such a research project Facet5 data is collected from a substantial (usually at least 1001 cases) sample. For each of these cases we would have a reliable indicator of “performance”. A thorough statistical analysis is then conducted to determine which Facet5 factors appear to be linked to performance
Audition Training Module Top Performers In this case there may be known individuals (for whom there is Facet5 data) who possess the ideal attributes for success in the role. Audition will allow you to summarise the Facet5 profiles for this group and create a template based on this summary
Audition Training Module Expert Judgment This approach applies where there is a number of people who all know the behavioural requirements of the role. It utilises Audition’s integrated multi-rater process. Direct estimates are obtained from raters who understand the requirements of the role. The system produces a multi-rater view of the requirements for the role expressed directly as behaviours related to the 13 Facet5 sub-factors For this you need a group of “expert judges” who understand the requirements of the targeted role
Audition Training Module Expert Judgment The system has 5 viewpoints: Manager of the role Incumbent Peers Direct reports Other reviewers – any person qualified to comment – customers There is no limit to the number of people who can contribute, however Each person must be knowledgeable about the role
Audition Training Module Live Demonstration Define the role Role Template from Expert Judgment Role Template from Top Performers Compare Creating and running an Audition Project Single person to a single template Multiple people to a template -Comparison Multiple people to multiple templates – Compound Audition Select BEI Guide Integrate Facet5 profile
Profile Comparison Profile Comparison Histogram Similarity table showing Template Name T-score Respondent’s scores
t-scores and closeness of fit If you have a t-score of 30 then 98% of the population fit the template better than you do If you have a t-score of 50 then 50% (1 in 2) of the population fit the template better than you do If you have a t-score of 70 then only 2% of the population fit the template better than you do. STEN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 t-score 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 75 80 Pct Closer 99 98 85 50 16 2 1
Click name for Convergence Chart Deviation Scores Colour codes < 1 sten diff > 1 but <= 2 sten diff > 2 but <= 3 sten diff > 3 sten diff Audition Workshop
Convergence Labels E.g. Determination Jennifer scores 9.7 on Determination Template asks for 7.5 She is 2 stens higher therefore she is in Band 2 and colour is dark orange and the statement is
Interview Guide Convergence Chart Interview Guide Ideal Relationship to ideal Suggested questions Space for responses Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS) Audition Workshop
Audition Training Module Integration Facet5 Profile SearchLight LeadingEdge Work Preferences
Facet5 System Update 2013 Thank you and Questions