Ethical Dilemmas 10/22
Agenda Analyze and evaluate different ethical situations Free Speech and ACLU Gun Rights End Goal- Apply what you learned to different ethical dilemmas and form your own opinions.
Question 1 Is free speech a right? Is it an example of moral relativism?
Clip Peoria, Illinois Mayor v. Constituent Parody Twitter Account
Reflection How would you have reacted in each role? Surprised? What are some of your thoughts and reflections on that clip? How would you have reacted in each role? Surprised? Frustrated? Not surprised?
Issue Should the owner of the Twitter account sued the mayor? Did the creator of the Twitter account receive the right amount of money? Did the mayor handle the situation appropriately? Who is morally in the wrong – the twitter creator or the mayor?
Question Should blind and deaf people receive all of the same rights as people with all of their senses?
Issue Should blind people be allowed to carry guns? Read and “annotate” the article.
Question Based on what you read…. Should blind people be able to carry guns?