Milestone A to Milestone B Requirements Management Activities
Lesson Objectives Determine the major requirements management activities during the acquisition process from Milestone A to Milestone B Analyze the purpose and major activities of the Technology Development phase and the links between those activities Describe the decisions the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) makes and the items the MDA approves at Milestone B
Milestone A to Milestone B Technology Development Full Rate Prod Decision Review Joint Concepts Capabilities - Based Assessment MS C MS B FCB Strategic Guidance Incremental Development MS A Technology Development Engineering & Manufacturing Development Production & Deployment AoA Materiel Solution Analysis Technology Opportunities & Resources ICD O&S User Needs MDD CDD CPD
Milestone A to Milestone B Requirements Management Activities Purpose: Reduce technology risk Major activity: Competitive prototyping Technology Development A B CDD Draft SRR SFR PDR TRA Requirements Management Activities Develop Final CDD Participate in IPTs and Technical Reviews Program and Milestone Reviews Monitor/provide input Acquisition Strategy Acquisition Program Baseline (APB) Test & Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP) Cost Estimate PPBE Process Technology Readiness Assessment (TRA) Life Cycle Sustainment Plan (LCSP) AoA Update
Preliminary Design Review (PDR) PDR is a technical assessment to ensure that the system under review has a reasonable expectation of being judged operationally effective and suitable. PDRs before Milestone B are mandatory for MDAPs. “A successful PDR will inform requirements trades; improve cost estimation; and identify remaining design, integration, and manufacturing risks. The PDR shall be conducted at the system level and include user representatives and associated certification authorities. The PDR Report shall be provided to the MDA at Milestone B and include recommended requirements trades based upon an assessment of cost, schedule, and performance risk.” (DoDI 5000.02)
Technology Readiness Assessment (TRA) TRA is a formal, systematic, metrics based process that assesses maturity of Critical Technology Elements (CTEs) Conducted by an Independent Review Team Required for all programs to support Milestones B and C For ships, a preliminary assessment is required at program initiation (may be Milestone A) TRA results are included in CDD/CPD Director, Defense Research and Engineering (DDR&E) is required to conduct an independent TRA of MDAPs to support Milestone B Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs) are metrics to assess CTE maturity A technology element is “critical” if the system depends on it to meet operational requirements and the technology element or its application is either new or novel or in an area that poses major technological risk
Technology Maturity Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) Actual system “flight proven” through successful mission operations Actual system completed and “flight qualified” through test and demonstration (Full-Rate Production Decision) System prototype demonstration in a operational environment (Milestone C) System/subsystem model or prototype demonstration in a relevant environment (Milestone B) Component and/or breadboard validation in relevant environment Component and/or breadboard validation in laboratory environment (Milestone A) Analytical and experimental critical function and/or characteristic proof-of-concept Technology concept and/or application formulated Basic principles observed and reported System Test, Launch & Operations System/Subsystem Development Technology Demonstration Technology Development Research to Prove Feasibility Basic Technology Research TRL 9 TRL 8 TRL 7 TRL 6 TRL 5 TRL 4 TRL 3 TRL 2 TRL 1 Public law requires MDAPs be at TRL 6 for Milestone B
The Information Technology (IT) Box Purpose: Describe overall bounds of an IT program to facilitate program initiation and reduce subsequent return trips to the JROC for approval of improved capabilities as the program is executed. Applies to systems where there is no need to develop hardware systems (i.e., commercial-off-the-shelf hardware is used)
The IT Box – Four Major Areas Presents the complete program for JCB and JROC members on one chart Flag-level oversight Chair & Members Total program cost Plan & cost for hardware & system integration Plan & cost for tech refresh per FY KPPs that represent initial level of performance for entire IT program FY funding for software development Total program costs for application and system software development/integration How often new releases will be delivered
Milestone B MDA approves: Program Initiation (for most programs) Entry into Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) Acquisition Strategy APB LRIP quantities Exit criteria for next phase Type of Contract Milestone B Certification ADM Requires Approved CDD* Full Funding in the Future Years Defense Program (FYDP) *If first entering the acquisition process at MS B, JCIDS also requires an ICD
MDA Program Certification for MS B (Required by 10 USC 2366b for MDAPs) MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Milestone B Program Certification As required by Section 2366b of Title 10, United States Code, (1) I have received a business case analysis for the (name of program) and certify on the basis of the analysis that: (A) the program is affordable when considering the ability of the Department of Defense to accomplish the program's mission using alternative systems; (B) appropriate trade-offs among cost, schedule, and performance objectives have been made to ensure that the program is affordable when considering the per unit cost and the total acquisition cost in the context of the total resources available during the period covered by the future-years defense program submitted during the fiscal year in which the certification is made; (C) reasonable cost and schedule estimates have been developed to execute, with the concurrence of the Director of Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation, the product development and production plan under the program; (D) funding is available to execute the product development and production plan under the program, through the period covered by the future-years defense program submitted during the fiscal year in which the certification is made, consistent with the estimates described in paragraph (C) for the program; and Continued on next chart
MDA Program Certification for MS B, continued (2) I have received the results of the preliminary design review and conducted a formal post-preliminary design review assessment, and certify on the basis of such assessment that the program demonstrates a high likelihood of accomplishing its intended mission; and (3) I further certify that: (A) appropriate market research has been conducted prior to technology development to reduce duplication of existing technology and products; (B) the Department of Defense has completed an analysis of alternatives with respect to the program; (C) the Joint Requirements Oversight Council has accomplished its duties with respect to the program pursuant to section 181(b) of Title 10, including an analysis of the operational requirements for the program; (D) the technology in the program has been demonstrated in a relevant environment, as determined by the Milestone Decision Authority on the basis of an independent review and assessment by the Director of Defense Research and Engineering; and (E) the program complies with all relevant policies, regulations, and directives of the Department of Defense.
Technology Development Phase Linkage: CDD, APB, TEMP & Contract for Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) Milestone A Milestone B Cost Estimate & $$ Competitive Designs & Prototypes DT TEMP COIs, MOEs, MOPs, CTPs Contract KPPs KSAs CDD AoA Update SPECs “design-to” PDR MOEs MOPs APB KPPs KSAs EMD Technology Development Phase 12