Prepared by :- Shirsath dadasaheb kailas Under the guidance :- Vadak.D.L Principal :- Game.G.T
P.Dr.V.V.patil.Vidyalay. loni Std :- 9th Div :- A (Gurukul) P.Dr.V.V.patil.Vidyalay. loni
9. Quality Food, Quality Life
Food :- Food is necessary of all organisms. Carbohydrate, protons, fats, minerals and vitamin are the important constitutes of food. These constituents are essential for growth, development and maintence.
2. Green Revolution :- By using better fertilisers, better methods of irrigation and introduction of HYV(high yield verity) seeds to improve food production is known as Green Revolution. This idea was garneted by DR.Norman Ernest Borlaug. Therefore he is known as Father of the Green Revolution.
White Revolution ;- Indian National Dairy and Development Board (NDDB) start a program called Operation Food. After this initiative, India become largest producer of milk and milk products. This movement is called White Revolution. Prof. Varghese Kurten is known as Father of the White Revolution.
Crops 4. Better Crop Yields :- Crop grow in rainy season in rice, while crop grow in winter season it wheat. 2] Cereals, pulses, oil seeds, Fruits and vegetables etc.are Grow in many parts of India. Sudan grass, Rhodes Grass, Bar seem, etc.are grown as fo- Deer for livestock. Crops
Better verity of seeds :- Hybridization invols cross breeding of two different varieties of crop plants. 2] Such hybrid seeds produce crops which are having higher yields, better quality, better resistance to diseases and pests short term period of maturation, etc.Such varieties are called HYV. 3] Hybrid varieties :- i] Hybrid varieties of rice : jaya, T141, etc. ii] Hybrid varieties of wheat :- Sonlika, Arjun, Sonara 64, etc.
Taking better care of crops :- The yield of crops depends upon three factors, viz. Nutrients added to the soil, the methods of irrigation and cropping pattern.
Nutrients :- Nutrients are minerals. Plants need some 16 different elements as nutrients :- Nature of nutrients Examples Macro-nutrients Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, potassium, calcium, magnassium,sulphur, nitrogen. Micro-nutrients Iron, boron, copper, molybdenum zinc, chlorine. Repeated cultivation decreses the nutrient content of the soil. Therefore nutrients are supplied to the soil by fertilisers and manures.
Manures :- When the organic matters like cow dung, human wastes, plant residues, etc.decompose manure is formed. Manure replenishes the soil with essential elements and adds humus to the soil. The addition of manure increases the fertility of the soil.
Fertilisers :-Fertiliser are used for enhancing the growth of the plants. A Chemical fertiliser are in a chemical compound containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Fertilisers are of three types, viz. Nitrogenous, phosphate and potassic. Types of fertilisers Examples 1] Nitrogenous Ammonium suiphat, Uria, Ammonium nitrate. 2] Phosphate Super phosphate, Potassium silphat, Amorphous. 3] Potassic Potassium chloride, Potassium sulphate, Potassium nitrate.
Irrigation :- Irrigation means supling water to crops througth canals,, wells, reservoirs, tube wells ,etc. Indian agriculture is mostly monsoon based,. To over come problems of inconsistent rains, irrigation methods are adopted.
Cropping Pattern :- i] Mixed cropping or Multiple cropping :- Two or more crops are simultanesly grow in the same soil. These crops support each other’s grow and help in improving the soi conditions. E.g., wheat and mustard.
i] Crop rotrtion :- When different crops grown alternately in the same field it is known as crop rotation. Legumes are grown in between the seasons of cereals. Crop rotation help to improve the fertility of the soil.
Protection of a crop before and after harvesting :- i] Pests, weeds and diseases cause harm to growing crops. Standing crops are heavily damaged due to pests such as insects, mites, ticks, aphids, rats, birds, etc. ii] Pesticides are used to control the population of pest.
Chemical control :- Chemical pesticide are used to kill the intersects. Hand operated machine of power operated spray is used during chemical control. Fumigation or dusting are other two methods used in chemical control.
Storage of food materials :-The stored food grains should not be harmed by biotic and biotic factors. i] Biotic factors :- 1]Rodents, Birds and other animals . 2]Insects, worms and microbes like Bactria and fungi. 3]Action of enzymes. ii] ABiotic factors :- 1]Storage temperature 2]Moiture content of food 3]Humidity of the surrounding
Animal husbandry :- 1] Animal husbandry practices :- i]Proper feed and clean drinking water ii] Proper shelter iii] Proper methods are breeding iv] Prevention and care of diseases.
2] Cattle farming :- 1]In India cattle farming is done for the following two purpose :- i]Milk Production ii]Agriculture activities like ploughing. 2] Indian cattle has two species, viz.Bos indices and Bos bubals. 3] Milch animals are milk producing females.
3] Poultry Farming :- i] Poultry farming is rearing of birds like fowl, chicken and ducks for eggs and meat. Ii] Layers are the birds reared for obtaining eggs. Iii] Broilers are birds reared for obtaining meat. Iv] Hens and chicken also given vaccinations for protection against diseases.
Pisciculture :- i] Pisciculture is fish farming i.e., rearing of fish on a large scale. ii] In nursery or hatchery young ones of fish are reared on a large scale. Iii] Ponds, lakes, canals are natural water bodies in which fish eggs are introduced and allow to grow. Iv] Fish from oceans are caught by mechanized boats called trawlers.
Apiculture or bee keeping :- i] Honeybees are useful insects that provide us honey and wax. They build beehives. ii] Apiculture is rearing of honey bees at a commercial level to obtain Honey and bees wax from Them. iii] Honey bees convert the Nectar from flowers in to honey.