The institutional framework essentially follows the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) standards, which in Italy is ruled by the UNI (Ente Nazionale di Unificazione- Unifying National Body). In the field of agriculture the standards listed below are of importance: Theme Standard HACCP UNI 10854:1999 – Agricultural enterprise – Guidelines for the realisation of a system of self control based on the method HACCP Management of quality UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 – Systems of quality management – Requirements Traceability of the supply chain UNI 10939:2001 – Traceability systems of food products in the supply chain – General principles of project elaboration and realisation ISO/DIS 22005 - Traceability in the feed and food chain -- General principles and basic requirements for system design and implementation Firm traceability UNI 11020:2002 – System of traceability for agricultural enterprises – Principles and requirements for realisation Management of food safety UNI EN ISO 22000:2005 – Management systems of food safety – Requirements of any organisation active in food supply chains Management of environment UNI EN ISO 14001:2004 – Systems of management of environment - Requirements and guidelines Environmental product declaration (EPD) Standard of methods: Series ISO 14020, and in particular ISO/TR 14025 – Labels and environmental declarations of type III (ISO/FDIS 14025 - Environmental labels and declarations - Type III environmental declaration - Principles and procedures) and series ISO 14040 (evaluation of life cycle) standards of merit:“PCR – Product Category Rules”
Public administrations have promoted product specifications for food products where they identify collective needs, which are not necessarily fulfilled by mandatory measures and regulations and where private initiatives are insufficient. These public initiatives can be either at national or at regional level and in many cases exploit the opportunities of EU regulation, such as regulation 1760/2000 on labelling of meat products. The following slide contains the list of these regulations
These public initiatives can be either at national or at regional level and in many cases exploit the opportunities of EU regulation, such as regulation 1760/2000 on labelling of meat products. In the scheme below a list is provided with these initiatives. Administrative level Legal framework Organic products European Regulation (CE) N. 2092/2006 Council of 24 June 1991 Traditionally Guaranteed Specialities Regulation (CE) N. 509/2006 Council of 20 March 2006 Protected Geographical Indications and Protected Designations of Origin Regulation (CE) N. 510/2006 Council 20 marzo 2006 (ex Reg. 2081/92) Labelling of bovine meat Regulation (CE) N. 1760/2000 of European Parliament and Council of 17 July 2000 E Regulation (CE) N. 1825/2000 of Commission of 25 august 2000 Eggs Regulation (CE) N. 2295/2003 of Commission of 23 december 2003 Labelling of poultry meat Ministry of Agricultural and Forestry Policies Decree 29 July 2004 - Voluntary labelling of poultry products Environmental Management (Emas) Regulation (CE) N. 761/2001 of European Parliament and Council of 19 March 2001 concerning the voluntary adhesion to a community system of ecomanagement and audit (EMAS) Modified by : Regulation (CE) N. 196/2006 of Commission of 3 February 2006 which teakes into account the EU standard EN ISO 14001:2004 Ecological quality label (Ecolabel) Regulation (CE) N. 1980/2000 of European Parliament and Council of 17 July 2000 concerning a label of ecoological quality Traditional products National Decree 30 april 1998, n. 173 e ministerial decreee 8 september 1999, n. 350 (traditional products)
4AF – Itis Pininfarina Bibliography: 4AF – Itis Pininfarina