Coast Guard Sector Lake Michigan Area Committee (SLMAC) Chair – CAPT Amy Cocanour Member Agencies: Department of Agriculture (USDA) Department of Commerce (DOC) General Services Administration (GSA) Department of Labor (DOL) Department of State (DOS) Tribal WI Department of Natural Resources (WI DNR) IL Department of Natural Resources (WI DNR) IN Department of Natural Resources (IN DNR) MI Department of Environmental Quality (MI DEQ) Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Department of Energy (DOE) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Department of Justice (DOJ) Nuclear Regulatory Commission Department of Transportation (DOT) Department of Interior (DOI) Department of Defense (DOD)
Agenda: May 25th, 2016 Opening Comments from the Chair Charter Family of Plans / Area of Responsibility Agency Roles / Updates / Discussion Resources Next Meeting
Sector Lake Michigan Area Committee Charter The primary role is to act as a preparedness and planning body to ensure a well coordinated Area Contingency Plan (ACP) for mitigation of oil or hazardous substance releases in the Coastal Zone. Support information sharing and work to enhance contingency planning and assure joint response efforts to oil and hazardous substance releases. Identify appropriate procedures for mechanical recovery dispersal, shoreline cleanup, protection of sensitive environmental areas, and protection, rescue, and rehabilitation of fisheries and wildlife. Provide guidance to the four standing Area Committee Regional Subcommittees (ACRS) which are being formed to facilitate stakeholder engagement and develop Geographic Response Plans (GRPS). Identify methods to respond to non-floating oils. Review the ACP annually and conduct a comprehensive review on a quadrennial schedule.
Sector Lake Michigan Area Committee Charter Permanently Chaired by the Commander, Coast Guard Sector Lake Michigan. Shall meet at least twice a year or more often as needed. The Vice Chair will be appointed by the Chair. The SLMAC Coordinator is responsible for the administrative duties including maintain current memberships, publishing meeting agendas, minutes and maintaining records. The ACP, GRPs , Committee minutes and supporting documents will be posted on HOMEPORT, accessible to anyone. No sensitive information will be available to the public.
National Contingency Plan (NCP) National Organizational Structure National Response Framework (NRF) Comprehensive, all hazards, National Strategy National Contingency Plan (NCP) National Organizational Structure Regional Response Team 5 Regional Contingency Plan (RCP) Regional Response Protocols Coast Guard Sector Lake Michigan Area Contingency Plan (ACP) Operational and Coordinational Geographic Response Plans (GRP) x 4 Local Response Tactics
National Response Framework Comprehensive, All-Hazards, National Strategy National Contingency Plan (NCP) National Organizational Structure Regional Response Team 5 Regional Contingency Plan (RCP) Regional Response Protocols Sector Lake Michigan Area Contingency Plan (ACP) Operational & Coordinational Geographic Response Plans (GRPs) x 4 Local Response Tactics
National Response Framework Emergency Support Functions ESF #1 Transportation ESF #2 Communications ESF #3 Public Works and Engineering ESF #4 Firefighting ESF #5 Information and Planning ESF #6 Mass Care, Emerg Assistance, Housing, Human Services ESF #7 Logistics Management and Resource Support ESF #8 Public Health and Medical Services ESF #9 Search and Rescue ESF #10 Oil and Hazardous Materials Response ESF #11 Agriculture and Natural Resources ESF #12 Energy ESF #13 Public Safety and Security ESF #14 Long-Term Community Recovery – (superseded) ESF #15 External Affairs
Emergency Support Function #10 Oil and Hazardous Materials Response ESF Coordinator: Environmental Protection Agency Primary Agencies: Department of Homeland Security/ U.S. Coast Guard Support Agencies: Department of Agriculture Department of Labor Department of Commerce Department of State Department of Defense Department of Transportation Department of Energy Nuclear Regulatory Commission Department of Homeland Security Department of Justice Department of the Interior General Services Administration Department of Health and Human Services
Area Committees required by National Contingency Plan (NCP) – 40CFR300 Coast Guard is Federal On-Scene Coordinator (FOSC) for the Coastal Zone – 40CFR300.5 The FOSC, with the assistance of the Area Committee, is responsible for overseeing the development and maintenance of the Area Contingency Plan (ACP) – 40CFR300.120 Coast Guard Sector Lake Michigan’s Area of Responsibility (AOR) and Area Committee Regional Subcommittees (ACRS)
Coastal Zone (USCG) – Inland Zone (EPA) In accordance with the NCP and MOU, the following waters and proximal areas are located within the Coastal Zone in Sector Lake Michigan and are waters for with the Commander, Coast Guard Sector Lake Michigan is the pre-designated Federal On-Scene Coordinator: All waters of Lake Michigan within Captain of the Port (COTP) Sector lake Michigan’s zone as defined in 33CFR3.34-15 Pike Creek (Kenosha): To the Sixth Avenue Bridge. Root River (Racine): To the Main Street Bridge. Oak Creek (Milwaukee): To it’s mouth. 55. Galien River (New Buffalo, MI): From the mouth to the Highway 12 bridge, approximately 2 miles upstream.
Southern Tip of Lake Michigan GRP Western Michigan GRP Southern Tip of Lake Michigan GRP Southeast Wisconsin GRP Northeast Wisconsin GRP
Geographic Response Plans should contain (at a minimum): Type and amount of required boom and the intended purpose of the boom (e.g., deflection, exclusion, containment, etc.) Method for deploying boom in each location Map clearly showing the location of the deployed boom Description and location of staging areas Collection points Access to site Detailed key describing map symbology and identifying characteristics Limitations on access due to sensitive or significant area.
Agency Updates / Discussions
Regional Response Team 5: Next Meeting: _____________ Resources Coast Guard Homeport: Regional Response Team 5: National Response Framework Next Meeting: _____________