MWOA mentoring program
Why? Why participate in the MWOA mentoring program? I needed to see myself through someone else and know what they saw. What attributes or skills were needed to achieve my goals. Starting to doubt myself that I could achieve the next level.
Do I have the right qualifications Pipped at the finish line
Establishing an understanding with mentor First Meeting Introduction. Express my goals. The obstacles I encountered. Why I had not achieved them. What I believed to be my strengths and weaknesses What I wanted to get out of the mentoring program
Main Points Keep the conversations simple and honest Give truthful self assessment and Don’t lie Don't be afraid to put learning's into play Note learning's or situations what worked what didn’t in between mentoring meetings Building trust Accepting constructive criticism What ever happens in any situation stay calm Always focus on objective Always believe in one ability
Result Similar race different result During the mentoring program I applied for a position at Moreland City Council where I was successful. I achieved one of my goals Improved in certain areas which I developed during the mentoring program. Similar race different result
Recommend I recommend to anyone to participate in a leadership or mentoring program.
Learning's Self belief Having sufficient qualifications: Experience & knowledge to achieve higher responsibilities Always having the right attitude and attributes to succeed Ability to adjust and refocus Don’t be hard on oneself.
Mentors Comments The MWOA has proactively recognised the benefits of providing a Mentoring Program for its members. Mentoring is about change influenced by knowledge sharing. “For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them” In essence you are, we are, all inspiring mentors & mentored.
Statement “A lot of people have gone further than they thought they could because someone thought they could.” -Zig Ziglar
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