DARK AGES After the fall of Rome, Western Europe _______. struggled There was little peace, safety, order People focused on one thing: struggled Learning. and ________, _____________ Italy and Europe were thrown into a period of chaos SURVIVAL _________________
DARK AGES Not completely Dark though At times Europe experienced times of revival. These periods, however, were short-lived
The church gained power and provided a ray of light DARK AGES After the Fall of Rome, The church gained power and provided a ray of light Monks continued to read, write and record events And occasionally, provide schooling for some
The Church 17-2 Great Britain The church/ Pope also sent missionaries into the northern kingdoms One of the first areas the pope sent missionaries was Great Britain
Britain Southern Great Britain became known as England. Early 400s the pope sent missionaries to Great Britain. An island off the northern coast of France. Southern Great Britain became known as England.
Britain How did Southern Britain become known as England? So many Angles, a Germanic Tribe, settled in Southern Britain that people called it Angle-land or later England During the 5th century, the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes began to migrate to Britain and Scandinavia; They were known as Anglo-Saxons
Great Britain includes the Nations of: •England •Wales •Scotland The United Kingdom includes the Nations on Great Britain, and Northern Ireland.
England Read pgs. 292-296 old text book; 18-2 Identify the following: 1. Bede 2. Beowulf 3. Grindel 4. Alfred the Great 5. Danelaw 6. Sheriff 7. King’s Peace 8. Witenagemot 9. Witan
England educated monk who wrote first history of the English, and 1. Bede - early 700s AD educated monk who wrote first history of the English, and Began using a new dating system based on the birth of Jesus.
England 2. Beowulf The oldest epic poem written in English circa 7th century A.D., tells how Beowulf travelled from town to town during the 6th century A.D. fighting evil people and monsters.
England 3. Grindel The most horrific monster of the ages; defeated by Beowulf
Britain 4. Alfred the Great One of England’s most liked Kings. In 835 A.D. he united Britain and defended it against attacks by the Vikings/Danes. At first the Danes/Vikings win, but the following year Alfred won but did not drive out the Danes Alfred paid Danes money not to attack England
Britain 5. Danelaw Danes, remained in northeast England, because Alfred was not strong enough to drive them out of England. The Danes and Alfred signed a treaty- Danes would not invade other areas if given northeast England The area occupied and ruled by the Danes became known as Danelaw (lasted until mid 900s)
Britain 6. Sheriff King established local governments divided into districts called Shires run by Sheriffs who reported to the king. 7. King’s Peace King travelled and visited the different Shires. Wherever he was the area was under King’s Peace or Royal Protection and Royal laws applied over local laws. Soon, royal laws applied throughout whether king was there or not. Helped unite England.
Britain Group of nobles and church officials who advised king. 8. Witenagemot Group of nobles and church officials who advised king. 9. Witan Each member of the Witenagemot was known as a Witan.