Does your race affect your vertical In The NBA By Caden Feller and Jake Hoge
Results of retired nba player’s highest verticals There are 23 total NBA players in this list 20 of which are Black The other 3 are White
As you can see on the last slide the majority of the players are black Pictures of Black and White people jumping in NBA
Data we found on verticals Black People Verticals White People Verticals As you can see the blacks verticals are higher.
Bar graph on Black vertical averages to White vertical averages Pie chart on Black vertical averages to White vertical averages Both of these charts show the average vertical of black people is higher than the average vertical of white people. Graph is in inches
How can black people jump higher? Black people have more fast twitch muscles in their legs and tend to have less body fat. White people’s muscle structure is generally weaker in genetic makeup than black people. People originally from West Africa have more fast twitch muscles which allows a more powerful burst for sports like sprinting and basketball. Black athletes have about 2 times more fast twitch muscles than other races. Having more fast twitch muscle doesn’t automatically make one a better athlete. They still have to work out and strengthen their muscles to be a good athlete. Bibliography