What is our Vision? “Equipping leaders to plant five million dynamic churches to reach the world for Christ.”
Our history Founded by Dr. Paul Becker Serving God with Biblical Principle based church planting training since 1995 Began in the USA Received an International Mandate in 1997 Trained over 50,000 Leaders from 100 Countries
What do we do? Training Church Planting Leaders - Conduct training events in Church Planting Essentials Churches Planting Churches Becoming a Mentor - Vital to Church Planters Building Church Planting Movements Growing New Churches - Produce Specialized Resources The New Dynamic Church Planting Handbook The Dynamic Daughter Church Planting Handbook Seeing Your Vision Come True Winning the World to Christ Profiles (Mini, Interactive workbooks on Church Planting topics)
TRAINING TRAINERS: DCPI trains Certified Trainers through Master Trainers TRAINING: DCPI trains church planters through Certified Trainers CHURCH PLANTS: Church Planters plant churches (average 2.7 per church planter) REACH THE WORLD: Church plants reach people for Christ (average 46.7 in the first 5 years)
Five Million Church Vision Church planters for a Five Million Church Vision 5,000,000 churches means that there needs to be 50,000 church planting leaders who will impact 100 or more churches OR 100,000 church planting leaders who will impact 50 or more churches OR 500,000 leaders impacting 10 churches to reach the world for Christ! How many churches will you impact in your lifetime?
Helping you realize your God-given Vision!