DoD Architecture Framework (DoDAF) Version 2.0 24 Dec 08 Enterprise Architecture & Standards Office of the DoD Deputy Chief Information Officer 1
Contents DoDAF V2.0 Key Concepts Reviewing DoDAF V2.0 DoDAF V2.0 Way Ahead Organization of DoDAF Volumes Points of Contact Accessing the files DARS DKO DoDAF Homepage
VERSION 15 6/18/2018 23:13 Key Concepts DoDAF V2.0 is data-centric and has shifted from the DoDAF V1.5 focus on Products Views are not Prescriptive All 49 Views do not have to be created Major DoD Processes will determine the views necessary for their processes Examples will be in the DoDAF Journal MW 3
VERSION 15 6/18/2018 23:13 Reviewing DoDAF V2.0 Do not begin review with an analysis on the differences between V1.5 and V 2.0 Just start reviewing DoDAF V2.0 After Reviewing Volume 1 and 2, refer to Section 3, Volume 2 for mapping of DoDAF V1.5 to DoDAF V2.0 MW 4
VERSION 15 6/18/2018 23:13 DoDAF V2.0 Way Ahead Release DoDAF V2.0 for CIO EB, DASD, and Community Review, 24 Dec 08 CIO EB, DASD, and Community Review and Comment Period, 29 Dec 08 – 22 Jan 09 Adjudicate comments, 23 Jan 09 – 5 Feb 09 DoDAF Finalization, 6 Feb 09 – 26 Feb 09 Send to DCIO for Approval MW 5
Organization of Volume 1 Section 1: Introduction Section 2: Scoping Architecture to be “fit for purpose” Section 3: DoDAF and Journal Overview Section 4: Enterprise Architecture Section 5: Customer Requirements Section 6: Architecture Planning Section 7: Methodologies Section 8: Architecture Presentation Techniques Section 9: DoDAF Meta-model Section 10: Architecture Based Analytics Section 11: Configuration Management of the DoD Architecture Framework Section 12: Relationships to Other Frameworks
Organization of Volume 2 and Supporting files Section 1: Introduction to this Volume Section 2: DoDAF Meta-model Groups Section 3: ”Views” of DoDAF 2.0 Appendix A: Acronyms Appendix B: DoDAF-described View Support Appendix C: References Supporting Files (will be in DoDAF Journal) DoDAF Architecture Development Process for the Models DoDAF Product Development Questionnaire Analysis Report DoDAF V2.0 Meta-model Data Dictionary
Volume 3 Introduction of the “Physical Exchange Specifications” XML Schema Definition (XSD) files will be placed in DoDAF Journal
Enterprise Architecture & Standards Points of Contact Michael Wayson (703) 607-0482 Charles Thornburg (703) 412-7937
DARS (Accessing the Files) Cut and paste into an internet browser: Login is not required Under “DoDAF V2.0 Community Release”, select the files to download.
DKO DoDAF Homepage (Accessing the Files) Option 1: Cut and paste into an internet browser: Login to DKO If you need an account, go to and select “Register for DKO” Under “DoDAF Documentation”, select “Version 2-0” Select the file and the “File Download” provides options to open or save the files.
DKO DoDAF Homepage (Accessing the Files) Option 2: Login to DKO, If you need an account, go to and select “Register for DKO” Select “Site Map” (Menu along the top), Scroll down to “Browse Sites”, Select the “Organizational Sites” tab, if not already selected Navigate the structure: “DoD Organizations”->”OSD”->”OASD NII/DoD CIO”->”DASD Information Management, Integration and Tech…”->”Enterprise Architecture & Standards Directorate” Select “DoDAF Journal” Under “DoDAF Documentation”, select “Version 2-0” Select the file and the “File Download” screen provides options to open or save the files.