Vocabulary 4a
Rate the words below: Beseech Consternation Delectable Garland Gratify / Gratifying Haughty / Haughtiness Impetuous lavish I know the word and can explain it I know the word, but can’t explain it I don’t know the word
It is important to demonstrate that we understand the new vocabulary Objective Rationale Today we will acquire and use academic vocabulary by creating sentences It is important to demonstrate that we understand the new vocabulary Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression. (7.L.6)
Beseech (verb) To ask earnestly; to beg (implore) I beseech you to stay just one more day
Consternation (noun) Amazement or fear that makes one feel confused
Delectable (adj) Pleasing to the senses, especially to the sense of taste; delicious
Garland (noun) A wreath or chain of leaves and flowers
Gratify (verb) To please or satisfy To give what is wanted or expected Gratifying (adj) -pleasing
Haughty (adj) Showing too much pride in oneself and scorn or contempt for others Haughtiness (noun) the state of being haughty
Impetuous (adj) Inclined to act without thinking ; hasty
Lavish (adj/verb) Much more than enough Very costly Verb-To give freely or generously
What would you beseech me to do? What sorts of things fill you with consternation? What is the last delectable thing you ate? Do you use garland at times other than Christmas? What is the most gratifying thing about school? Who do you know that’s haughty? Are you know to be impetuous? Would you rather be lavished with gifts or money?