Section 1: Combined Gas Law Unit 6: Gases Section 1: Combined Gas Law
Overview Gases provide the breath of life, inflate tires, power hot-air balloons, dissolve in our blood, heat our homes, inflate air bags, etc. Gases span from necessity to usefulness to extreme toxicity
Introduction Looks at how molecules of a gas behave Kinetic molecular theory: the model for the action of gas molecules in a confined space Kinetic means moving, so the theory focuses on how gas molecules behave as a result of their motion Pressure, temperature, and volume are all factors that affect the behavior of gases
Pressure When the molecules of a gas in a container collide with the inside surfaces of the container, causing their speed and mass to push against the walls Atmospheric Pressure Has weight and exerts pressure on everything We don’t notice this pressure much because it’s the same inside and outside our homes, the same inside and outside our body, etc. We notice the pressure change when riding on an airplane Also known as barometric pressure Units of pressure 1 atm = 14.7 inches = 760 mm = 760 torr = 101,325 pascals
Temperature Measure of the speed at which molecules and atoms are moving The higher the temperature, the faster the speed Units of temperature Fahrenheit (ºF), Celsius (ºC), and Kelvin (K) Gases uses the Kelvin temperature scale, since it’s based on the idea of absolute zero Absolute zero (0 K) is where all movement stops Temperature conversion To change from ºC to K, add 273 To change from K to ºC, subtract 273
Volume Describes an amount of space Volume units include gallons, quarts, liters, cm3, and ounces Can be either fixed or elastic Fixed: volume is contained and has a definite shape Drink can, box, Tupperware Elastic: volume can change Balloon, raft, basketball
Mathematical Approach to Gases Majority of gas behavior can be described mathematically by two equations: the combined gas law and the ideal gas law Combined gas law is used for situations involving change P1V1 = P2V2 T1 T2 P = pressure V = volume T = temperature (in kelvins)
Combined Gas Law This equation can be used to consider just pressure and volume, just pressure and temperature, just volume and temperature, or all three, without having to remember different equations for each situation P1V1 = P2V2 P1 = P2 T1 T2 V1 = V2 T1 T2 T1 T2
Boyle’s Law Named after Robert Boyle, a 17th century Irish scientist who studied the relationship between pressure and volume in gases, keeping temperature constant Boyle’s Law states that volume and pressure are inversely proportional As volume increases, pressure decreases P1V1 = P2V2 Example: How many liters in size will a balloon become at a pressure of 700 mm if it has a volume of 4 liters at a pressure of 600 mm? (600 mm)(4 L) = (700 mm)(V2) (600)(4) = V2 700 3.43 L = V2
Charles’ Law Named after Jacques Charles, an 18th century French physicist who studied the relationship between temperature and volume with respect to gases, keeping pressure constant Charles’ Law states that temperature and volume are directly proportional As temperature increases, volume increases V1 = V2 T1 T2 Example: What is the volume of a helium-filled balloon at 200 K if it has a volume of 8 L at 100 K? 8 L = V2 100 K 200 K (8)(200) = V2(100) 1,600 = 100 V2 16 L = V2
Gay-Lussac’s Law Gay-Lussac understood what happens to the pressure of an enclosed gas when heat is applied Knew that intense pressure builds up as the gas molecules move faster and strike the walls of the container more often and with more force Gay-Lussac’s Law states that temperature and pressure are directly proportional As temperature increases, pressure increases P1 = P2 T1 T2 Example: Calculate the pressure that results when the temperature becomes 100ºC if the pressure at 25ºC is 750 torr. 750 = P2 Convert ºC to K first!!! 298 373 P2 = (750)(373) 298 P2 = 938.8 torr
Combination Theory Most real applications of gas theory involve varying the temperature, pressure, and volume P1V1 = P2V2 T1 T2 Example: What pressure is expected to develop at a volume of 10 L and a temperature of 25ºC if the volume is 5 L, the temperature is 50ºC, and the pressure is 30 inches of mercury? T1 T2 (30 inches)(5 L) = (P2)(10 L) 50 +273 25 + 273 (30)(5) = (10)(P2) 323 298 (30)(5)(298) = (10)(P2)(323) (30)(5)(298) = P2 (10)(323) 13.84 inches = P2